Friday, August 9, 2013

Are Bob Dylan's Lyrics Prophetic?

Bob Dylan is sometimes called "America's Greatest Living Poet."  Did he possibly foretell America's impending Judgment as we move away from God?  You decide:

Here's Bob Dylan's Song lyrics (Like a Rolling Stone) interpreted from beginning to end:

Yeah, once upon a time you dressed so fine (America in her prime)
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? (funding other nations)
Yeah, people'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" (Islam terrorists)
They thought they were just a kiddin' you (didn't take them seriously)
You used to laugh about (arrogance)
Everybody that was hangin' out (enemies)
And now you don't walk so proud (America being destroyed from within)
Now you don't talk so loud (loss of geo-political influence)
About having to scrounging for your next meal (Food stamps culture/Unemployment)
How does it feel? (Dishonor and Disgrace)
How does it feel, to be on your own (moved off the Rock of our Foundation)
With no direction home (led by blind guides)
A complete unknown (Unknown gods, not seeing our true God, Uncertain future)
Just like a rolling stone? C'mon (Rolling tombstone to cover over Jesus' Resurrection)
Yeah, you went to the finest schools all right, Miss Lonely (we once had the finest schools, now they are epic failures)
But you know you only used to get juiced in it (Our colleges are now a place where Marxism is  taught)
Nobody taught you how to live out on the street (we live coddled lives)
But now you gonna have to get used to it (going to have to get used to poverty and homelessness)
You said you'd never compromise (our original covenant and Constitution/Bill of Rights, compromise with evil)
With the mystery tramp but now you realize (Obama and his minions, no one knows where he is from)
That he's not selling any alibis (he's telling it like it is: he's selling us socialism/Marxism and we are buying into it)
As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes (soul filled with evil)
And say do you want to make a deal? (compromise with evil, Congress deal-making)
How does it feel? (despair)
How does it feel, to be on your own (lifting of God's hand of protection)
With no direction home (Land of the free, home of the brave no more)
Like a complete unknown (like a third rate country)
Just like a rolling stone? (soon to be moved out of the way)
How does it feel? (How's this working for us?)
How does it feel, to be on your own (No more hedge of God's protection)
With no direction home (being led into a ditch by our leaders)
A complete unknown (Father-less people)
Just like a rolling stone? (soon to be rolled away)
Yeah, the princess on the steeple, all the pretty people (Apostate American Church that looks "good")
Drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made (sinning and using human secularist "wisdom")
Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts (exchanging the valuable gifts of God for garbage--fame/fortune)
They're gonna take that diamond ring (The Covenant of the Bride of Christ)
You'd better pawn it, babe (sell it because it's of no use to you now)
You used to be so amused (arrogant and haughty towards other nations)
At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used (France--Liberte, French Revolution/WWII)
Now go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse (we liberated France but now we are worse off than they are, expect to see anarchy in the streets, complete lawlessness)
When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose (We no longer have Liberty...we've got bondage)
You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal (scandals, nakedness, shame will continue)
How does it feel? (How's this workin' for ya?)
How does it feel, to be on your own? (Orphaned by God)
With no direction home (Lost)
Like a complete unknown (Clueless)
Just like a rolling stone? C'mon....It's the 11th hour. TIME IS UP.
Bob=Bright, Fame (Luciferian reference)
Dylan=Tide, Flow (will we see the tide of apostasy and judgment sweep over this land?)
God help us.
-Posted by permission of Pastor Jeff Daly 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Prophecy in the News: Sink Holes, Trains & Wildfires...OH MY!


This news event is a shadow-picture foretelling the nearness of the Second Coming of our Messiah as well as how America is sinking on sandy soil.

Name of State:  KANSAS (also known as the “Heartland” of America)

The Rose of Sharon is springing

I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.
~Song of Solomon 2:1

Listen! My beloved! Look! Here he comes, leaping across the mountains, bounding over the hills.
~Song of Solomon 2:8

America is on Sinking Sand

First Hurricane Sandy

Then Sandy Hook

“Spirit of the Sands” marching band was in the Obama Inaugural Parade

And President Obama has referred to himself as “the Sandman”

Now America is literally sinking into the Sand (Sink holes)

Build Your House on the Rock (Solid Foundation of Yeshua/Jesus Christ)

Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
~Matthew 7:24-27

Corrupted Heart of America:

Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.
~Ezekiel 28:17


LAW—Torah (Old Testament)
TELL-Gospel (New Testament)

 The chemical spillage was Sodium Hydroxide otherwise known as LYE!

But who can endure the day of His coming? And who will be able to stand when He appears? For He will be like a refiner's fire and like cleansing lye.
~Malachi 3:2 (3=Trinity 2=Dividing rightly)

 Lye is made from the Ashes (REPENTANCE/SACRIFICE) of the Altar mixed with water (LIVING WATER)

It is also made of SALT

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
~Matthew 5:13 (5=Torah/Law, 13=Apostasy)

PROPHETIC NEWS ITEM #3:  Wildfire in Lake Elsinore, California (aka “Falls Fire”)

Elsinore means "Narrow Strait." There is only ONE time that these two words appear together in the Bible. Rest assured...When only found in ONE verse, it is highly significant when God is trying to send a clear message. Here it is:

Because  strait  [is] the gate, and  narrow  [is] the way, which leadeth  unto  life, and  few  there be  that find  it.
~Matthew 7:14

Again...we are about to "FALL", God is sending His purifying fire.  We will fall soon unless we get back on the narrow strait.

Interestingly, last night on Jay Leno, President Obama talked about widening and deepening our ports while at the same time giving the wrong geographical location for them.  Clearly we are headed in the wrong direction with a blind guide:

So ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch.
~Matthew 15:14

Just sayin’…

Pray for the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide all of our leaders and that they would repent immediately.

 Pray that all our leaders will follow this Truth:
"Because we have made the Lord, which is our refuge, even the Most High, our habitation; there shall no evil befall us, neither shall any plague come near our dwelling." (Psalm 91:9-10)


~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeff Daly

Monday, August 5, 2013

Israel and U.S. Make Symbolic Covenant with Allah

All negotiators know that understanding the culture of a people is paramount to the process of treaty negotiations. A business deal or a cease fire can be undone because of a cultural snafu. The Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations just took a significant turn within the cultural context of those two countries yet few have recognized the prophetic importance of what just happened.

This past Monday evening, the Israelis and Americans both came into covenant with Allah by eating the food dedicated to Allah on Allah’s Ramadan holiday! Most westerners will view this as just a nice gesture toward peace because we don’t understand that the Bible is written in light of ancient near east context which the two countries still uphold in these modern times. Just a few days before, Obama had hosted a fifth Iftar dinner at the White House during Ramadan. Americans have gotten used to this “muslim stuff” in the White House, so what is the big deal and big difference between those other Iftar dinners and this one? Those other dinners celebrated Ramadan, but they were not related to the official business of making a treaty between two parties.

What happened to the Children of Israel when they made covenant with Peor (Num 25:1-2)? YHVH exercised His right to destroy them under the terms of their covenant agreement with Him! A plague killed 24,000 of them came because they ate the sacrifices of Peor (meat dedicated to Peor) and committed fornication with the Midianite women. We may believe that this ancient near east context no longer applies, but we would be wrong. YHVH does not change. His definition of what constitutes a covenant is still the same. Eating a meal with people who are engaged in the celebration of their god with meat dedicated to that god constitutes making a covenant with that god according to every definition given by YHVH in scripture.

Furthermore, the people of the near east still live in a culture that honors the ancient near east context. Nothing has changed there. This understanding is thousands of years old. The peace treaties of the past several decades were always sealed with a dinner but never before have the treaty negotiators eaten a meal with the enemy on that enemy’s holiday with meat that was dedicated to their enemy’s god.

Joshua / Yahoshua 22:18 Now then, are you turning away from following the LORD today? If you rebel against the LORD today, by tomorrow he will be angry with the entire community of Israel.
Yes, on Monday, July 29, 2013, both Israel and America became muslim nations in the eyes of YHVH. Israel is no longer just a Jewish nation. She is Israel in covenant with YHVH’s enemy, Allah. America is no longer just a Christian nation. She is a nation in covenant with YHVH’s enemy, Allah. YHVH views this as idolatry and treason!

Did the participants of this dinner know what they were doing? Yes they did! Why else would they fly the PA flag next to the Israeli flag in the Knesset on only a day and a half later for the first time ever in history!? That flag flew in the Knesset was planned to be there BEFORE the dinner was held! Oh yes, my friends, Tzipi Livni and Saeb Erekat knew exactly what they were doing! John Kerry’s blind and insane desire for fame makes him culpable, too.

Palestinian flag out in honor as PA officials visit Knesset

Two flags are displayed during Knesset Caucus on Ending the Israeli-Arab Conflict; former PA parliament member at meeting tells ‘Post’ that Israel’s flag may fly in Ramallah soon when Knesset Caucus visits.
Israel PA flags fly together in the Knesset

Spiritually, Jacob just made covenant with Esau and Esau’s god, Allah! The players all knew what they were doing. They understand the ancient and modern near east cultural context of this. And now, in YHVH’s eyes, it appears as if the WHOLE House of Jacob is converted to Islam.

Jos 22:18 Now then, are you turning away from following the LORD today? If you rebel against the LORD today, by tomorrow he will be angry with the entire community of Israel.

Not satisfied with the Iftar covenant meal in Washington DC, the Israelis and Palestinians took a further step to seal and celebrate the newly made covenant with Allah before and in the face of YHVH by engaging in another Iftar meal. Some 40 Palestinians and Israelis shared an Iftar feast in the West Bank on Wednesday in a show of solidarity. Iftar for peace: Palestinians break fast with Israelis in West Bank. Yes, you read that right. Israelis officially approved the covenant made in Washington with a covenant meal IN the Land of Israel! Another step in the new covenant will be the Islamic Beast’s image on Temple Mount directly after the shut down of the Altar.

Scripture tells us that a husband can cancel the oath of a wife. It may be that YHVH could have cancelled the oath of Israel with the Palestinians, but we must remember that this is more than an oath. This is a covenant with another deity. And this covenant is just another reason why the Bitter Waters trial is coming to His people. To misunderstand or not believe the importance of this will be to miss the prophetic significance of it.

What do all these Wildfires Mean?

This Yom Kippur (9/14/13) falls on the Sabbath. When Yom Kippur falls on a is referred to as the "Sabbath of Sabbaths." A very, very holy day indeed.
9=Holy Spirit
14=Deliverance or Salvation
13=from Apostasy
Of course, September 14th is the final day of our 40 days of fasting, praying and repentance. Expect to see a huge move from the Holy Spirit in Deliverance/Salvation from Apostasy. It may not come the way we would like to see it. In fact, things in the "spiritual realm" are not necessarily the way things appear in the "natural realm."

On the day of Pentecost, the First Century Church got infused with power from the Holy Spirit.  It was evidenced as little "tongues of fire" resting upon their heads. 

Acts 2:2-3
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 
In the natural realm we are seeing "shadow-pictures" of God's refining fires. The latest one took place in Aspen.  Aspen is derived from the Olde English word simply meaning "Trees" as in Ancient Forests. God is sending His refining fire on the "trees" (apostate Christians). Stiff-necked trees will be hewn down and replaced with "Repentant" trees that are bendable (knees bending, neck bowed). Aspens also "tend to rot from the heart outward" (from Wikipedia).
Add all of this to the "sinking sand" sink-hole in the "Heartland" of America (Kansas) and the overall whole prophetic message can be unsettling.
Keep praying...
~posted by permission of Pastor Jeff Daly