David Phillips, National President of Family Voice Australia, said the
following day, “One of the reasons for such a clear defeat was Labor’s
change of mind and support for same-sex marriage.” Kevin Rudd
promised to legislate for homosexual ‘marriage’ within one hundred days of
being re-elected.
Rowsome of the Australian National Day of Prayer and Fasting team said, “It
has been thrilling to see how Christians in Australia and around the world have
been praying for our election which was held on the same day that Pope Francis
asked the world to pray and fast for Syria.
Australian Prayer Network prayer point, compiled months earlier, was to ‘pray
for policies that protect and strengthen the sanctity of marriage between a man
and a woman’. Amazingly, the global Billion Souls Revival Prayer
Call devotion for that same day, also
compiled months earlier, asked us to pray against the ‘culture of death’ that
seeks to re-define marriage and remove the life potential that comes from the
union of a man and a woman marriage.”
Matt Prater one of the leaders behind the Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call
said, “On national television on Monday 2 September I asked a question of
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd about his sudden change to support homosexual
marriage. Mr. Rudd, who claims to be a Christian, tried to dismiss the
words of Jesus in Matthew 19:5 supporting man-woman marriage in the Bible.
The YouTube
clip of the 4-min incident went
viral, as did an article in Australia’s national newspaper, The Australian, titled ‘ Judas
Abbott, said during the Australian Christian Lobby webcast
before the election, “I
believe marriage is between a man and a woman.” Seven days later God heard
our prayers and your prayer and there was a change of government. A miracle has
occurred. A victory has been won, but the battle is far from over. We thank you
for your continuing prayers.”
Ps Matt Prater: +61 2 433 192 267
David Rowsome: +61 7 3422 0969