Whoa...another powerful message.
We in Christian America are supposed to be like Rachel (she represents the Gentile Church). We need to give Leah (rightful Jewish Bride) the "secret sign"---The Holy Spirit who will reveal the Truth of the Messiah to them so they can complete their marriage to the Bridegroom.
Instead, we (American gov't) are doing this:
This will cause the Earth to tremble. Interestingly, God gave me a word awhile back about the "New Madrid Faultline"
Recently, I've been studying the Four Blood Moons that correspond with the Hebrew Feasts/Festivals. The oldest one in recent recorded history was 1492 (Remember: in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue!)
What most people don't know is during the same exact year that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella financed Columbus, they were also robbing the Jews of their inheritance, persecuting them and expunging them from Spain. Spain never recovered as a major super-power after this event and today they are morally and financially bankrupt.
The U.S. is the "New Madrid"...our government leaders (Obama/Kerry/Hagel--the unholy American trinity) are trying to rob Israel of their inheritance, persecuting them and trying to expunge them from their rightful lands. We will never recover as a major super power as, we too, will become morally and financially bankrupt from this policy.
Sadly (while I don't like to make "predictions") I humbly believe that if the U.S. is "successful" in forcing Israel into a bad treaty or into giving up "land for peace" we will be badly punished in our "heartland". Here's what Wikipedia says about the New Madrid Faultline in the heartland of the United States:
The 150-mile (240 km) long fault system, which extends into five states, stretches southward from Cairo, Illinois; through Hayti, Caruthersville and New Madrid in Missouri; through Blytheville into Marked Tree in Arkansas. It also covers a part of West Tennessee, near Reelfoot Lake, extending southeast into Dyersburg.
The meanings of these names are blood curdling. In "West Tennessee" we have the town of "Memphis". Both "Cairo" and "Memphis" are straight out of the Egyptian geography pages. The Egyptians were swallowed up from persecuting the Jews. "Hayti" is another shadow-picture of an Earthquake devastation as "Haiti" recently had the most deadly earthquake in modern times. "New Madrid" is, of course, a reference to Spain's Jewish persecution. "Marked Tree"!!!!!--Dear Lord please help us--we will be hewn down. Blythe= lacking due thought or consideration : casual , heedless, blithe unconcern ...
He cut down cedars, or perhaps took a cypress or oak.~Isaiah 44:14. This is a repentance scripture.
We had better repent or we will be HEWN DOWN. Bald Eagles represent AMERICA.
We had better repent or we will be HEWN DOWN. Bald Eagles represent AMERICA.
In the early 20th century the Reelfoot area was marked by widespread lawlessness and "Night Riding." Literally...God will "reel our foot" back in if we continue treading on Israel.
As for Dyersburg...It sounds like "Die" but it more means "Dye." In the Bible, the word "dyed" comes up most often in reference to the waterproofed skins that were used to cover the Ark of the Covenant. Perhaps, this refers to the "dying and DYE-ing" that will take place in America as we realize the error of our ways after great natural tragedies and dye our garments in the Blood of the Lamb.
So....Will America literally be "rent in two" by our evil Israel geo-political policy? If so, it will happen in our "heartland" on the "New Madrid faultline."
~Posted with permission by Pastor Jeff Daly