Thursday, January 30, 2014

After Mocking Comes Crucifixion


The Soldiers Mock Jesus

27 Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. 28 They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, 29 and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. 30 They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. 31 After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him.
~Matthew 27

Before Hitler was able to slaughter 6 million Jews in Nazi Germany, he first had to "work the crowd" over to soften them up, much like a comedian comes on before the main event.  There was a deliberate Nazi campaign of movies, cartoons and false satirical rhetoric that marginalized and MOCKED the Jewish people.  This created a heart of disdain.  DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE this technique of the devil.  Once you disdain a whole group of people, it is much easier to HURT THEM. 

Fast forward to 2014...Christian persecution is ramping up exponentially.  In formerly Christian countries, such as the United States and Australia, Christians are openly mocked and ridiculed in frightening intensity.  Here's a Facebook posting describing the advertisement up above:

Upcoming Adelaide Fringe Festival event called: Come Heckle Christ
The ‘performance’ has the presenter (Joshua J Ladgrove) acting in the role of Jesus Christ. The show is described as being perfect for:
“altar girls and altar boys”, “athe
ists”, “priests (and by extension sexual deviants)” and “anyone who enjoys yelling at Jesus whilst watching a dramatic re-enactment of everyone's favorite fairy-tale: The Crucifixion of Jesus The Christ.”

The supposedly ‘improvised’ ‘comedy’ performance will encourage the audience to heckle the person of Christ and even ‘throw things at his head’.

We cannot be silent
Decent people of any religious persuasion or none will easily recognise the offence that this supposed comedy show creates. Would the producers of the festival dare allow a show that would treat Mohammad in a similar manner?

What you can do
We are asking you to contact the two major sponsor of the Fringe Festival, the South Australian Government and Bank SA, to voice your disapproval. Let them know that they should not be providing funds for such outrageous and blasphemous productions.

Please also pass this on to your friends, church leaders you know and anyone else that you think will share our disgust and outrage.

Regardless of the outcome, we must stand up together.

Premier, The Hon Jay Weatherill MP

The BankSA complaints line email:

Come Heckle Christ
Adelaide Fringe is an annual open-access arts festival run over four weeks in Adelaide, South Australia during February and March.

It's Time to REPENT!

 ~Posted with permission by Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dirty Bomb Found in Altoona, PA

19-year old Russian man arrested with Weapon of Mass Destruction (Dirty Bomb) in Altoona, PA

Here's the spiritual interpretation:

Meaning of Altoona

The word "Altoona" is a derivative of the Latin word altus, meaning "high".[6]
known as "the Mountain City," The Latin word altus, signifies "elevated, lofty."

The etymological derivation of the name Altoona is not known with certainty, but widely believed to be Low German all to na, meaning "all too near"

Vladislav = "one who commands glory, fame"  (glory, fame are ALWAYS Satanic references when put together---God gets glory, but FAME is Satan's domain)

Miftakjov = Slavic roots of this name/word = "One who is offended thus so he persecutes".  Interestingly, "Jov" means "Job" we are entering a time period like Job (intense suffering)...

Spiritual Interpretation:

The judgment of America (lofty Mountain) is "all too near."  Satan (one who commands glory, fame) has been given access (by our sinful culture) and there is now an open door in America for these types of judgments.  "One who is offended thus so he persecutes" a two way street:  God will judge the ungodly.  However, brace yourself:  Like Job the righteous will also experience ramped up persecution during this time.  We are all being put into the "crucible of God's testing." 

It's Time to REPENT!

 ~Posted with permission by Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Truth about Israel and the supposed "Apartheid" of Palestinians

Sudan - a remarkable address to the recent " Durban Conference" in New York


These are the words of Simon Deng, once a Sudanese slave. He is addressing the Durban Conference in NY.

I want to thank the organizers of this conference, The Perils of Global Intolerance. It is a great honor for me and it is a privilege really to be among today's distinguished speakers.

I came here as a friend of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. I came to protest this Durban conference which is based on a set of lies. It is organized by nations who are themselves are guilty of the worst kind of oppression.

It will not help the victims of racism. It will only isolate and target the Jewish state. It is a tool of the enemies of Israel .

The UN has itself become a tool against Israel . For over 50 years, 82 percent of the UN General Assembly emergency meetings have been about condemning one state - Israel . Hitler couldn't have been made happier!

The Durban Conference is an outrage. All decent people will know that.

But friends, I come here today with a radical idea. I come to tell you that there are peoples who suffer from the UN's anti-Israelism even more than the Israelis. I belong to one of those people.

Please hear me out.

By exaggerating Palestinian suffering, and by blaming the Jews for it, the UN has muffled the cries of those who suffer on a far larger scale.

 For over fifty years the indigenous black population of Sudan -- Christians and Muslims alike --- have been the victims of the brutal, racist Arab Muslim regimes in Khartoum .

In South Sudan , my homeland, about 4 million innocent men, women and children were slaughtered from 1955 to 2005.  Seven million were ethnically cleansed and they became the largest refugee group since World War II.

 The UN is concerned about the so-called Palestinian refugees. They dedicated a separate agency for them, and they are treated with a special privilege.

 Meanwhile, my people, ethnically cleansed, murdered and enslaved, are relatively ignored. The UN refuses to tell the world the truth about the real causes of Sudan 's conflicts. Who knows really what is happening in Darfur ? It is not a "tribal conflict."

It is a conflict rooted in Arab colonialism well known in north Africa. In Darfur, a region in the Western Sudan , everybody is Muslim. Everybody is Muslim because the Arabs invaded the North of Africa and converted the indigenous people to Islam. In the eyes of the Islamists in Khartoum , the Darfuris are not Muslim enough. And the Darfuris do not want to be Arabized.

They love their own African languages and dress and customs. The Arab response is genocide! But nobody at the UN tells the truth about Darfur .

In the Nuba Mountains , another region of Sudan , genocide is taking place as I speak. The Islamist regime in Khartoum is targeting the black Africans - Muslims and Christians. Nobody at the UN has told the truth about the Nuba Mountains .

Do you hear the UN condemn Arab racism against blacks?

What you find on the pages of the New York Times, or in the record of the UN condemnations is Israeli crimes and Palestinian suffering.

My people have been driven off the front pages because of the exaggerations about Palestinian suffering.

What Israel does is portrayed as a Western sin. But the truth is that the real sin happens when the West abandons us: the victims of Arab/Islamic apartheid.

Chattel slavery was practiced for centuries in Sudan . It was revived as a tool of war in the early 90s.

Khartoum declared jihad against my people and this legitimized taking slaves as war booty.

Arab militias were sent to destroy Southern villages and were encouraged to take African women and children as slaves.

We believe that up to 200,000 were kidnapped, brought to the North and sold into slavery.

I am a living proof of this crime against humanity!

I don't like talking about my experience as a slave, but I do it because it is important for the world to know that slavery exists even today.

I was only nine years old when an Arab neighbor named Abdullahi tricked me into following him to a boat. The boat wound up in Northern Sudan where he gave me as a gift to his family. For three and a half years I was their slave going through something that no child should ever go through: brutal beatings and humiliations; working around the clock; sleeping on the ground with animals; eating the familys left-overs. During those three years I was unable to say the word “no”.

All I could say was “yes,” “yes,” “yes.”

The United Nations knew about the enslavement of South Sudanese by the Arabs. Their own staff reported it. It took UNICEF – under pressure from the Jewish –led American Anti-Slavery Group -- sixteen years to acknowledge what was happening. I want to publicly thank my friend Dr. Charles Jacobs for leading the anti-slavery fight.

But the Sudanese government and the Arab League pressured UNICEF, and UNICEF backtracked, and started to criticize those who worked to liberate Sudanese slaves. In 1998, Dr. Gaspar Biro, the courageous UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Sudan who reported on slavery, resigned in protest of the UN's actions.

My friends, today, tens of thousands of black South Sudanese still serve their masters in the North and the UN is silent about that. It would offend the OIC and the Arab League.

As a former slave and a victim of the worst sort of racism, allow me to explain why I think calling Israel a racist state is absolutely absurd and immoral.

I have been to Israel five times visiting the Sudanese refugees. Let me tell you how they ended up there. These are Sudanese who fled Arab racism, hoping to find shelter in Egypt . They were wrong. When Egyptian security forces slaughtered twenty six black refugees in Cairo who were protesting Egyptian racism, the Sudanese realized that the Arab racism is the same in Khartoum or Cairo . They needed shelter and they found it in Israel . Dodging the bullets of the Egyptian border patrols and walking for very long distances, the refugees' only hope was to reach Israel 's side of the fence, where they knew they would be safe.

Black Muslims from Darfur chose Israel above all the other Arab-Muslim states of the area. Do you know what this means!!!?? And the Arabs say Israel is racist!!!?

In Israel , black Sudanese, Christian and Muslim were welcomed and treated like human beings. Just go and ask them, like I have done. They told me that compared to the situation in Egypt , Israel is "heaven."

Is Israel a racist state? To my people, the people who know racism – the answer is absolutely not. Israel is a state of people who are the colors of the rainbow. Jews themselves come in all colors, even black. I met with Ethiopian Jews in Israel . Beautiful black Jews.

So, yes … I came here today to tell you that the people who suffer most from the UN anti-Israel policy are not the Israelis but all those people who the UN ignores in order to tell its big lie against Israel: we, the victims of Arab/Muslim abuse: women, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, homosexuals, in the Arab/Muslim world. These are the biggest victims of UN Israel hatred.

Look at the situation of the Copts in Egypt , the Christians in Iraq , and Nigeria , and Iran , the Hindus and Bahais who suffer from Islamic oppression. The Sikhs. We -- a rainbow coalition of victims and targets of Jihadis -- all suffer. We are ignored, we are abandoned. So that the big lie against the Jews can go forward.

In 2005, I visited one of the refugee camps in South Sudan . I met a twelve year old girl who told me about her dream.

In a dream she wanted to go to school to become a doctor. And then, she wanted to visit Israel . I was shocked.

How could this refugee girl who spent most of her life in the North know about Israel ? When I asked why she wanted to visit Israel , she said: "This is our people."  I was never able to find an answer to my question.

On January 9 of 2011 South Sudan became an independent state. For South Sudanese, that means continuation of oppression, brutalization, demonization, Islamization, Arabization and enslavement.

In a similar manner, the Arabs continue denying Jews their right for sovereignty in their homeland and the Durban III conference continues denying Israel’s legitimacy.

As a friend of Israel, I bring you the news that my President, the President of the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir -- publicly stated that the South Sudan Embassy in Israel will be built--- not in Tel Aviv, but in Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish people.

I also want to assure you that my own new nation, and all of its peoples, will oppose racist forums like the Durban III. We will oppose it by simply continuing to tell the truth! Our truth!

My Jewish friends taught me something that I now want to say with you.


The people of Israel lives!

Thank you

Dear Readers: I have an urgent request: PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS VALUABLE TESTIMONY !

I beg you to send this message to everyone you can! Send it to everyone on your mailing list, and ask those to please continue to send it on to everyone they know. Ask them to send it on to every Newspaper, Magazine, Church Bulletins, everyone who sends out to the public.

Please mark this urgent message from the words of Simon Deng, once a Sudanese slave, lived through what he described above and see that this important message is revealed to the entire world!         

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Please Pray for South Africa

End-Time Handmaidens and Servants, Intl.
Please Pray for South Africa - request from ETH intercessors, South Africa
Thank you for your faithful prayers and intercessions, the potential crisis in Little Rock was averted with peace prevailing.

Please Pray for South Africa - urgent request from our ETH intercessors there:

Calling all prayer warriors!

This is urgent Its about a heavy metal band.. the lamb of god.. this
is a name that blasphemes our Lord Jesus ..They are going to be in Jhb
next Saturday with many satanic high priests joining them. They plan
to do sexual orgies, and sacrificing to satan. This past weekend a
murder took place at the site the concert was held.. They are planning
to pray over South Africa for the elections to be full of violence.

They sing songs like "walk with me in hell". Our aim as Christians
should be to pray against all things like this  -  they are happening right
under our noses.

Please go to prayer. Thank you God Bless .

They will be in Durban, Cape Town and Jhb starting this weekend 24th Jan.
Please start praying with us as from tonight at 8:30 every night for the next two weeks.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

NASA Photo Shows Hand of God

This is an actual NASA photo.  It reportedly shows a "pulsar wind nebula"  which is the result of the cloud of materials left over from a dying star after it explodes.
However, it is a clear image of an enormous Hand holding a bowl filled with a smoky incense fire. 
Here are some correlating verses from the Bible about "bowls" of incense or fire: 
The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.~Revelation 16:8-9
And when he took the scroll, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they held gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God's people.~Revelation 5:8 

Here's the actual link from the NASA website:
Jesus told us to look for "Signs in the Sky":
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
~Luke 21:25-28

It's Time to REPENT!

 ~Posted with permission by Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Prophetic Warning to America

Posted by one of our dear Brothers in Christ: 

January 5, 2014

While reading the book of Jeremiah I questioned why He would write such a statement
as; "Why didn't God kill me at birth? Oh, that I had died in my mother's womb; that
her body had been my grave! Why was I ever born? My entire life has been filled with
trouble, sorrow, and shame." The message of Jeremiah is one that people do not want
to hear. It is a message that people, no matter who they are, will be held accountable for the choices they make, and no one wants to hear this.

Now ask yourself what would be your response today if God said, "'America has
forsaken Me and turned this country into a place of wickedness. They have filled
this land with the blood of innocent children. I will make it a monument to their
stupidity. All who pass through will be astonished and will gasp at the destruction
they see there. People will be driven to utter despair; shattered beyond all hope of
repair because they have stubbornly refused to listen to Me."  Would you say, "We
are God's children, and therefore none of these things will come on us. God would
have to remove us first because He would never send judgment on us as well." Really?

Like Jeremiah said, "People have told me never to speak of judgment. But, if I keep
silent it will burn in my heart like a fire; like a fire in my bones! I am worn out
trying to hold it in! I can't do it!"

Son, don't be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, as if they didn't know.
Tell My children that they must not participate in the things these people do. For
once My children were full of darkness, but now they have My light. So they must
live in My light! They must not take part in the worthless deeds of evil darkness;
instead, expose them. They must be careful how they live. They must make the most of
every opportunity. Tell them that they must not act thoughtlessly, but understand
what I want them to do. Remember that your fight is not against flesh-and-blood, but
against authorities of the dark unseen world, against mighty powers of evil spirits.
So tell My children to stand their ground, putting on the belt of truth and the
armor of My righteousness. Then pray in the Spirit all the time and on every
occasion. Be alert and be persistent in prayer. Pray for the right words so that
they can boldly explain My plan.

Lord, thank You for watching over me and instructing me. You alone will keep me
safe. You stand beside me like a great warrior. Before You my accusers will stumble;
they cannot defeat me. I will live my life in Your love, and follow Your example.

 ~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration

Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at