January 5, 2014
While reading the book of Jeremiah I questioned why He would write such a statement
as; "Why didn't God kill me at birth? Oh, that I had died in my mother's womb; that
her body had been my grave! Why was I ever born? My entire life has been filled with
trouble, sorrow, and shame." The message of Jeremiah is one that people do not want
to hear. It is a message that people, no matter who they are, will be held accountable for the choices they make, and no one wants to hear this.
Now ask yourself what would be your response today if God said, "'America has
forsaken Me and turned this country into a place of wickedness. They have filled
this land with the blood of innocent children. I will make it a monument to their
stupidity. All who pass through will be astonished and will gasp at the destruction
they see there. People will be driven to utter despair; shattered beyond all hope of
repair because they have stubbornly refused to listen to Me." Would you say, "We
are God's children, and therefore none of these things will come on us. God would
have to remove us first because He would never send judgment on us as well." Really?
Like Jeremiah said, "People have told me never to speak of judgment. But, if I keep
silent it will burn in my heart like a fire; like a fire in my bones! I am worn out
trying to hold it in! I can't do it!"
Son, don't be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, as if they didn't know.
Tell My children that they must not participate in the things these people do. For
once My children were full of darkness, but now they have My light. So they must
live in My light! They must not take part in the worthless deeds of evil darkness;
instead, expose them. They must be careful how they live. They must make the most of
every opportunity. Tell them that they must not act thoughtlessly, but understand
what I want them to do. Remember that your fight is not against flesh-and-blood, but
against authorities of the dark unseen world, against mighty powers of evil spirits.
So tell My children to stand their ground, putting on the belt of truth and the
armor of My righteousness. Then pray in the Spirit all the time and on every
occasion. Be alert and be persistent in prayer. Pray for the right words so that
they can boldly explain My plan.
Lord, thank You for watching over me and instructing me. You alone will keep me
safe. You stand beside me like a great warrior. Before You my accusers will stumble;
they cannot defeat me. I will live my life in Your love, and follow Your example.
Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website: www.dayofrepentance.org
or by emailing him at