~posted with permission by a fellow Christian Warrior in Kenya
Prayer watch against
the African Spring.
Please join us in praying from:
July 1st through July 7th, 2014
Fellow Watchmen on the Wall of the nations,
These words of wisdom and revelation were sent to me by a chief watch man of
west Africa. Words that are now being echoed from every continent as spontaneous shaking of nations are taking place. Be comforted our King is returning soon.
Grace, Mercy, Love and Peace continue to be multiplied unto you through the
knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) our Lord and Savior, the
soon coming King of the nations (Rev 19:16). In this season of great shakings of the nations by the King (Observe the many severe storms, terror activities,
mysterious kidnappings and disappearances, disasters of this season, etc.), as
we read in Psalm 2, let us reverence our King and be sober in these seasons of
visitation on us His people. As the nations of the earth continue to shake, let
us pray that He will fill His house with glory. Remember that He said in Hag 2
6-10 that while He shakes the nations, He will fill HIS HOUSE with GLORY. We are His HOUSE/body. May you receive the glory of His visitation this season as you continue to watch and pray for His will to be done and for His Kingdom to come speedily
Background information:
In my last
year’s 7 days prayers against “saba-saba” (7, 7) altar, that started on 1st
July ending in 7th July, and also praying against its powerful cosmic
vibrational energy. The Holy Spirit showed to me what is happening to the Middle
East and Africa if the watchmen do slumber and become blind to the wicked
schemes of the Antichrist followers.
Israel’s watchmen are
blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they
lie around and dream, they love to sleep. [Is.56:10]
I saw a
spiritual young warrior male hippo (Behemoth) enter into a pool of water
occupied by several families of hippos under the fatherhood of an old male
hippo. The intruder started a fight with the older hippo with the sole aim of dethroning
his fatherhood authority and take over the families under his authority. The
young hippo succeeded in destroying the older hippo as I saw him come out of
the pool severely wounded and very weak and ran away from the young hippo as it
pursued him biting him. The power of this behemoth was emanating from the
heavenly alignment of Pleiades and Orion also known by stargazers and occultists
as (the star clusters of 7 sisters and 7 stars; 7, 7 simply saba-saba). When
these constellations align with our sun and our moon, powerful waves of
vibrational energy is released to planet earth which the enemy uses to corrupt
and pervert what is Godly.
The Holy Spirit gave me understanding that the
pool was the African and the Middle Eastern nations. The alignment is supposed
to empower the kingdom of darkness to bring a new order in the middle- east and
Africa. The enemy intends to shake these nations by destroying the old order
and replacing it with the New World Order under a new spiritual prince. The
political order of these nations will be overturned as they are forced into the
end time antichrist order and ultimately a one world government.
At the time
of this revelation, the Arab spring was ongoing and was not intended for Arabs
countries only, but a few devoted prophetic watchmen took a spiritual stand and
overturned the saba-saba cosmic vibrational energy that was released for
African Nations putting a borderline at the nation of Sudan. The cosmic winds
of heaven were temporarily halted and the shamanic wheel of life that vibrates the
destructive winds of heaven was broken at the four corners of the earth namely
East, West, South and North. After that relative calm returned to these Nations
but not before Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, Sudan, Ivory Coast Libya and Mali
were politically severely shaken. In
consultation with a few Prophetic watchmen ministries, it was clear the war is
not over yet.
These events
were prophesied by Prophet Maged of Egypt on his prophetic tour of Kenya in
2008 as he said!
““I’ve sent you to them, to my people in
Kenya, because I love them, so that they won’t lose their history and their
destiny as a nation. This is a very difficult time over
the whole world, for I have put in the heart of the beast that is coming out of
Hades {Marduk
the beast who landed in saba-saba 7, 7 season last year as prophesied in 2008
by this man of God. Marduks landing was witnessed by 3-U.S.Presidents and 10
African judges in the land of Senegal. Ref: int. newsletter of july 2013 and
later witnessed by 91 heads of state who attended the fake funeral of Mandela
in S.Africa.} to wipe out peoples,
nations and tribes from existence. (Some) nations will be crushed away
completely. Old political borders will be removed in (various) geographical
areas, to be replaced by new political borders. Old political systems will
collapse, resulting in economical destruction to many nations. Some nations
which have been starving will be satisfied, but only at the expense of the
destruction of other nations. Other satisfied nations will get hungry to the
mercy of God and to the loaf of bread. International and regional Political
plans and coalitions will change, and the assistance coming from dependence on
Babylon and its power will collapse.
10 Year Grace period
I am reminding you one more time: I have given to you {Kenya} a grace period of ten years starting from now, {27th.Dec.2007}
so that you restore Kenya to me. If you won’t raise the
heroes, Kenya will fall down in a progressive series of a very steep decline in
the form of disasters, starvations, wars, with the end result that Kenya will
fall down and be given to another, and vanish away from existence with no
Beware, for if Kenya falls down, many
other nations will fall down and vanish away by the vanishing of Kenya. Beware
of the strangers amidst you, and from the stranger and false prophet who is
coming these days, bringing to you the law/code of the Gentiles and not my law,
in order to govern maliciously and wilily. (Could this
be new law accommodating gays and lesbians? Humanist agenda?) I will
have mercy upon you says the Lord.
Then there is another stranger that is already coming to Kenya. It is
another strange religious power which has no spiritual history in this land,
yet it is now invading Kenya in a very subtle and secretive way. (Those words
were given to me by the Lord before I’ve ever met any person from Kenya) The
Lord spoke to Kenyans about the Nation of Kenya as a super power saying.
“The destiny of Kenya is in your
hands. The destiny of East Africa and many other
African nations, including the destiny
of Egypt is in your hands. Don’t ever say “I am a despised nation “Or “I am
a small nation”, for the Lord has his own laws: He chooses the despised and
those who are not, to nullify those who are.”
prophesied and left, but when we put on his prophetic eyes graciously give to
him by the Holy Spirit, I for one is beginning to hear alarm bells and see
patterns of his prophesy shaping up as he saw and prophesied. Watch this!
· The Babylonian system keen interest
in the Nation of Kenya. Everything that Kenya does is of such interest to the
western Nations.
· International and regional Political
plans and coalitions changing, and the assistance coming from dependence on
Babylon {western nations} and its power is
· Marduk the beast landed at saba-saba
last year just as Maged prophesied but was unable to enter the eastern gate of
Africa {Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi} as it
was covered by a glorious fiery silver cloud formed by the prayers of the
· Old political systems are collapsing.
There is an outcry of the heart from the saints of Western Europe and Americas
praying for their nations as they go through a paradigm shift in the political
and economic affairs of their nations.
So when we
look with the eyes of the Holy Spirit, where are we Kenyans in the prophetic
scale of Maged? Have we fulfilled all the council of the Lord’s will as He had instructed
his servant Maged? The answer is, we have not yet lifted Kenya in prayers to
the standards its prophetic calling as a nation and yes the council of the
Lord’s will has not yet been fully put in place!
Latest political trend intended to
bind the nation to Antichrist:
9 days ago,
the nation was ushered into political scheme that could break the spiritual
barrier that has protected Kenya from the forces of the Antichrist. Kenya’s
former Prime minister returned into the country from Massachusetts U.S.A. where
he was undertaking a 3 months course on African governance. He returned seeking
for national dialogue and threatening mass action if this dialogue is not held
in his terms and conditions. On the face of it, there is nothing wrong in
demanding a dialogue on issues facing the nation but the circumstances that
brought this new move is highly irregular and suspect. For the 3 months the former
Prime minister was in Massachusetts Harvard University, strange things happened
there some of which have never been done in the history of Harvard.
For starters
Harvard University is the training ground for the round table globalist
government. Harvard is deeply intertwined with Council of Foreign Relations (C.F.R.)
and Trilateral Commission.
These two organizations
have in the past produced politicians who are true globalists whose first
allegiance is to the global government even if such allegiance is harmful to
the sovereignty of the nations they are citizens to. This is the institutions
that have produced the countless civil societies and the self-appointed human
rights activists who are funded by the globalist’s agents. According to one of
the local dailies, this is where the former Prime Minister attended a 3 months
course on African Governance before he landed home breathing fire and
Kagwanja writing for the same daily had this to say about the course the
African leaders were undertaking in Harvard.
“At the age
of 72, Raila is not leaving anything to chance. In the U.S, he was reportedly
under the tutelage of a strong team of political strategists. All senior
academics who handled his program are said to have political mobilization,
military and intelligence backgrounds. This is giving legs to the view that in
Boston, Raila was on a regime change strategy by world class experts who have
helped bring down governments in other parts of the world.
His party
has embarked on a frenetic action plan to pursue 4 goals of “wedge strategy”
1. Push for a debate, largely vitriolic
intended to create a public perception that ruling party is in disarray.
Organize rallies all over and if the mammoth rally expected at Kamukuji does
not take place, send his supporters to State House.
2. Popularize politically incorrect
sentiments, stereotypes and perceptions against the enemy party. Already
Jubilee Coalition has been profiled as hopelessly corrupt, hell bent on returning
the country to despotism, ethnically exclusive and unable to protect the
3. Raila’s party hopes to benefit from
defections of Jubilee alliance and other disaffected voters. Weaken the Deputy
President’s strangle hold in Rift Valley depicting him as a sellout.
4. Fracture Jubilee and take off with
its members. He hopes to benefit from the schisms within Jubilee over tenders,
government jobs and devolution cash.
Kagwanja concluded by writing that, Raila’s coalition is fighting claims by
Jubilee pundits that its leadership is a hired hand for the west in its ploy to
cut short Jubilee’s rule as the west has asserted that choices have consequences.
This was in reference to the President and his deputy’s cases in Hague.
On the day
he arrived, he addressed a mammoth rally in Nairobi and on the same day
embarked on the above strategy. Among the many things he said, one thing rang
deep occult bells; he gave a warning that these negotiations must held before
Saba-Saba day or else there will be a political Tsunami. Negotiations tied to
saba-saba 7, 7 shrine are negotiations deep rooted and driven by waves of
cosmic vibrational energy of 7, 7 from the heavens and more demonic winds of
vibrations from their corresponding altars on earth. The devil would then ride on
such negotiations take full control and any agreements reached will empower him
to possess and dismember the nation just like Prophet Maged prophesied in 2008.
powerful alarm bell is an event that took place in Harvard University. For the
first time in the history of that University, Harvard University students club
hosted a satanic black mass reenactment to celebrate witchcraft and satanic
worship. This strange occult ritual happened when a 3 months course on African
governance was coming to a close. This is the course our former Prime minister
was attending according to the local media. Black magic in the world of occult
is associated with Africa. Was this coincidental or was it planned to coincide
with the course on African governance? This is a red flag to anyone who prays
for the African Nations to now raise a cry to heaven for Africa. All these
events happened in late June as we enter into the 7th month. In the
heavens Pleiades and Orion are combining their energies at this time for 7 days
from 1st to 7th. Hence
the demonic symbol of 7, 7 or saba-saba in Swahili. This will be time for
potent sorcery against nations, the body of Christ and families. It will be the
time to launch new energized political movements and create political paradigm
shifts by the secret global government through satanic blood rituals.
What is in
number 7 or saba? So powerfully used by the Kingdom of God and yet corrupted
and powerfully used by the kingdom of darkness. Let us observe from the
scripture how it has been applied.
In Greek and
Arabic the word “saba means “dawn” and “new beginning”; in Spanish it means
“knowing” and “knowledge”. Saba is also the name of the subjects of the queen
of Sheba. The Ethiopian Jews. It also means number 7 in ancient Sheba Hebrew
Scriptures on 7’s teaching us its
biblical application:
The words of the LORD are flawless, like
silver purifies in a crucible, like gold refined seven 7 times [Ps.12:6]
The number 7
is the most prominent number in scripture. Seven is the divine number of
completion, fullness and spiritual perfection, typifying holiness and
sanctification. It is known in Hebrew as “sheva” related to commitment. 7 is
also in Hebrew associated with completion and rest through the Sabbath and its
related cycles of time. There are 7 annual holy feasts of the LORD.
The holiness and perfection of the Tabernacle is reflected in its 7 furnishings. Finally, the Temple Menorah had 7 branches which is connected to the Holy Spirit since Jesus as Messiah the light of the world is described as having 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit [Is.11:2]. The following is the biblical applications of 7”s
The holiness and perfection of the Tabernacle is reflected in its 7 furnishings. Finally, the Temple Menorah had 7 branches which is connected to the Holy Spirit since Jesus as Messiah the light of the world is described as having 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit [Is.11:2]. The following is the biblical applications of 7”s
Godly applications:
Judgments of God
judgment on River Nile……........................................................………Ex.7
God’s judgment multiplied 7 times….........................................................……Lev.26:18,21
7 angels pour out 7plagues to complete God’s wrath………………………………Rev.15:1,6-8
God’s judgment multiplied 7 times….........................................................……Lev.26:18,21
7 angels pour out 7plagues to complete God’s wrath………………………………Rev.15:1,6-8
Faithful remnant
7 days,
Joseph mourns for his father….......……………………………Gen.50:10
7 pillars of wisdom...................................…………………………….Pr.9:1 A righteous man falls 7 times and arises 7 times…………….....……….Pr.24:16
7 pillars of wisdom...................................…………………………….Pr.9:1 A righteous man falls 7 times and arises 7 times…………….....……….Pr.24:16
Prophets who are sanctified and
reserved by God
7 thousand
prophets reserved and sanctified by God……...........................……1 Kings 19:18
7 men full of wisdom and filled with the Spirit of God………………………...…Acts.6:3
7 men full of wisdom and filled with the Spirit of God………………………...…Acts.6:3
The boy
sneezed 7 times and arose from the dead………………2 Kings 4:35 7 times Naaman
washed in R. Jordan and he was healed………..2 Kings 5:10, 14
Enemy’s applications:
Evil spirit
calls 7 more evil spirits to attack…………………….....Matthew 12:45
7 demons were in Mary Magdalene when Jesus delivered her…...Mark 16:9 7 sons of Schevah attacked by demons during deliverance…....….Acts.19:14
7,000 killed by apocalyptic earthquake in the days of tribulations…Rev 11:13
7 demons were in Mary Magdalene when Jesus delivered her…...Mark 16:9 7 sons of Schevah attacked by demons during deliverance…....….Acts.19:14
7,000 killed by apocalyptic earthquake in the days of tribulations…Rev 11:13
Enemy Kingdoms
The dragon
with 7 heads, 7 crowns and 10 horns…………………..Rev 12:3 7 heads and 10 crowns of the beast
that comes out of the sea…......Rev 13:1 The scarlet
beast w/ 7 heads & 10 horns carrying mystery Babylon..Rev 17:3 7 heads are
the 7 hills on which mystery Babylon sits….....………..Rev 17:9 7 heads are
also the 7 kings serving mystery Babylon…..................Rev 17:10
7 deadly sins
1. Proud look
2. Lying tongue
3. Hands that shed innocent blood
4. A heart that devices wicked plot
5. Feet that are swift to run to
6. A deceitful witness that utters lies
7. Sowing discord among
7 demons associated with 7 self-idolatry:
1. Pride associated with Lucifer
2. Greed associated with Mammon
3. Lust associated with Asmodee
4. Envy associated with Leviathan
5. Gluttony associated with Beelzebub
6. Wrath associated with Aamon
7. Sloth associated with Belphegor
Application in spiritual warfare:
Spiritual warfare
7 priests
carried 7 trumpets & marched around wall of Jericho…Joshua.6:4,
7 times Elijah’s servant looked out for the sign of rain.…………1 Kings 18:43
7 times Elijah’s servant looked out for the sign of rain.…………1 Kings 18:43
Satanic mysteries of 7’s:
The bible teaches us that the enemy was endowed with wisdom when he was Lucifer
The bible teaches us that the enemy was endowed with wisdom when he was Lucifer
of man take a lamentation against the king of Tyre and say to him; this is what
the sovereign LORD says; you were the
model of perfection , full of wisdom and perfect
in beauty”[Ez.28:12]
The bible
also teaches us that he corrupted his wisdom as he fell from his exalted place
“Your heart became
proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your
wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a
spectacle of you before kings” [Ez.28:17]
More than
any other being, he knew the power of 7; he had observed God use it over and
over again. The enemy has nothing of his own he only takes what belongs to God
corrupts it, perverts it and uses it against humanity as this newsletter will
ably demonstrate. He uses the corrupted and perverted sets of 7s and a cycle of
7’s to do great harm to the human race as the following mysteries will
Mysteries of the 7’s:
Can you bind the chains
of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion? Can you lead forth the Mazzaroth
(Venus) in their season or can you guide the Bear with its children? Can you
establish their rule on earth? [Job.38:31-33] ESV
Can you catch the eye
of the beautiful Pleiades sisters, or distract Orion from his hunt? (Orion associated with Nimrod the hunter). Can you get Venus to look your way, or get the great Bear and her cubs
to come out and play? Do you know the first thing about the sky constellations
and how they affect things on earth? [Job.38:31-33]MSG
Pleiades is
known by star gazers as 7 sisters because of the beautiful 7 clusters of its
stars and Orion is known as the 7 stars due its clusters of 7 stars. Orion is
associated with Nimrod the hunter. NB: Nimrod was the father of rebellion and
idolatry. Occult observers believe that from the 1st of July and 7th
of July, the 7 stars and the 7 sisters influence the occultation of world
events, systems, governance and economic influence, acquisition of power etc. July
is a month when many political parties and movements are formed and energized.
The mystery of Kibra the 7, 7 shrine:
One of the oldest names in Africa is the name Kibra. It was known and used in the days of ancient Egypt as the most important aqua altar in the days of Pharaohs as this altar is the one that made crown Princes into Pharaohs through Theogony (pronounced birth of gods recited in a ritual poem). This Memphite altar was in a place they called (Ta Neteru) a place of sweet smelling aroma loved by gods. At these waters, they raised the 9 shabaka stones altar of worship to Osiris the chief prince of the south. This is the shrine that made Pharaohs. They travelled from Egypt following river Nile, when they reached at what is now known as migingo islands they did ritual homage to the crown of Osiris raised there in the middle of the lake, and then proceeded to another shrine dedicated to the undertaker god of Egypt Anubis. His principle job was to harvest those who are about to die and subject them to Osiris. From there they proceeded to Ta Neteru at the river of life and death called Kibra. The crown Prince of Egypt would die as a human being, led by Anubis; they would follow Kibra River to the underworld capital of Osiris from where he would be converted to a god capable of creating events by the power of words. From there Anubis would usher him back through Kibra River from the underworld then proceed to Egypt to rule.
One of the oldest names in Africa is the name Kibra. It was known and used in the days of ancient Egypt as the most important aqua altar in the days of Pharaohs as this altar is the one that made crown Princes into Pharaohs through Theogony (pronounced birth of gods recited in a ritual poem). This Memphite altar was in a place they called (Ta Neteru) a place of sweet smelling aroma loved by gods. At these waters, they raised the 9 shabaka stones altar of worship to Osiris the chief prince of the south. This is the shrine that made Pharaohs. They travelled from Egypt following river Nile, when they reached at what is now known as migingo islands they did ritual homage to the crown of Osiris raised there in the middle of the lake, and then proceeded to another shrine dedicated to the undertaker god of Egypt Anubis. His principle job was to harvest those who are about to die and subject them to Osiris. From there they proceeded to Ta Neteru at the river of life and death called Kibra. The crown Prince of Egypt would die as a human being, led by Anubis; they would follow Kibra River to the underworld capital of Osiris from where he would be converted to a god capable of creating events by the power of words. From there Anubis would usher him back through Kibra River from the underworld then proceed to Egypt to rule.
In the early
10th century, the Kuyu-Kuyu Woreda migrated to the slopes of the
mountain that was Ta-Neteru and could not do their rituals due to the strength
of this Memphite shrine. Despite the fact that the Egyptian dynasties had ceased,
the altar was still the source of vibrational energy to all believers of Memphite
theology and cultures formed as a result of its mind control power. When the
Woreda tribes came, they ascended to the 9 shabaka stones destroyed them and
raised a 7, 7 altar there. They then did all their occult Hebrew rituals there converting
the altar from a Memphite shrine to a Hebrew one as powerful as the former. Today the ancient Ta-Neteru is called Mount
Kenya and the Kibra River is still there called by the Kikuyu people Kabaru,
modern name for Kibra. When the secret 12 elders of the kikuyu tribe ascend
there to consult the goddess mother of the tribe, they go round the shrine
clockwise 7 times and 7 times anticlockwise to open the hyper dimensions; then
they speak to the goddess. There is also a replica of the same ritual mind
control vibes at the centre of Nairobi city. Here the alternate River is called
Kibera in Swahili. The vibes from the river has created what has been known by
certain quarters as the biggest slum in Africa. This was the birth place of
saba-saba politics in Kenya. A home to sorcery and witchcraft and rampant prostitution.
The former Prime minister of Kenya was a Member of Parliament there and his
political career was built from there.
The mystery of Princess Elizabeth and
the Saba-Saba- (7, 7) shrine:
The Kikuyu sages tell the story of Queen Elizabeth story of Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Kenya prior to her Father’s death in early fifties. She was booked in Tree Tops Hotel which was literally built on top of trees. One morning as she was admiring the waterfalls of Kibra right after it flows from the 7, 7 altar using the military binoculars, she received a telephone call from England informing her that her Father King George the 5th had died and now she was the Queen of England.
The Kikuyu sages tell the story of Queen Elizabeth story of Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Kenya prior to her Father’s death in early fifties. She was booked in Tree Tops Hotel which was literally built on top of trees. One morning as she was admiring the waterfalls of Kibra right after it flows from the 7, 7 altar using the military binoculars, she received a telephone call from England informing her that her Father King George the 5th had died and now she was the Queen of England.
The mystery of Saba-Saba 7, 7 and the African renaissance:
Saba-Saba shrine is for all intent and purposes an Ethiopian shrine with Hebrew
and Jewish roots who immigrated to the slopes of the mountain sometimes in
early 10th century A.D. Even in modern day Ethiopia, they associate
with what is known as (Ethiopian Flexing Muscle). Powerful waves of vibrational energy that has energized
the Ethiopian Kingdoms. These kingdoms were set by the Queen of Sheba and ended
in 1974 when Haile Mariam a communist army general overthrew Haile Selassie. The
same Ethiopian Flexing muscle has given birth to a worldwide African renaissance.
The following examples suffice:
During the
mau-mau rebellion the forest fighters fashioned their hair do to easily merge
with the forest background so that they can easily hide in the forest and identify
each other when they meet. This hair do was ritually identified with the 7, 7
shrine of Mount Kenya forest. In fact when you look at Mount Kenya forest from
the air, the mountain valleys and forests bear similarity with dread rock hair
do. Forty years later after the rebellion ended, the dread rocks is everywhere
in the world, worn by black people of all continents. This demonstrates the
mind control power of the 7, 7 shrine.
The Ethiopian flexing muscle has also given the Caribbean Africans who settled there centuries ago, the Rastafarian movement that has a worldwide following. Please note that the word Ras which gives the religion its name Rastafari is an Ethiopian word meaning Prince. Their music is very similar to others of the same mindset in Africa and very popular in every continent that harbors Africa descendants. The Ethiopian flexing muscle spirit is also responsible for the hip-hop culture and accompanying music. All those cultures have taken the dread rocks symbol, a symbol that spiritually announces very loudly “I am a shrine of “Mount Kenya” (known in ancient Egypt as Ta-Neteru.
Jehovah has the final say………
The complete economy of prayer is
fulfilled when God speaks to Himself through us by way prayer!
I have only
three prayer points.
Reason being, this is a prayer that needs to be led by the HOLY SPIRIT himself. As he leads we listen to Him and pray as He directs.
Reason being, this is a prayer that needs to be led by the HOLY SPIRIT himself. As he leads we listen to Him and pray as He directs.
The Arab
Spring and the now African spring that has started, is the beginning of the
fulfillment of the end time prophesy that will propel and raise the 10 kings of
the revelations [17:9] according to the scripture they are of 1 mind
and will hand over power to Marduk the beast [13].
· 1) Pray that God will multiply His
Spirit on the land 7 times and resist the process of formation of New World
Order of 10 kings to which Raila might have been promised if he dis-stabilizes
the existing political order of Africa.
· The architects of N.W.O. intend to
cause mayhem in the whole world before they reorganize the world into zones.
Pray that all their plans come to nothing [Is.8:10]
· When Omar Hassan senator of Mombasa and
Governor Joho of Mombasa visited Raila
in Harvard University America, they warned the nation on their return that
thing will not be the same anymore, what did they know that is now coming to
light through terrorist attacks?
2) Pray that the Holy Spirit reveals the hidden secrets, bring them to light. [Rev.17:14]; later Senator Hassan later said that the Port is not a National asset but a coastal property under the Governor.
3) Pray that they do not use the new constitution to dismember the Nation through devolution.
2) Pray that the Holy Spirit reveals the hidden secrets, bring them to light. [Rev.17:14]; later Senator Hassan later said that the Port is not a National asset but a coastal property under the Governor.
3) Pray that they do not use the new constitution to dismember the Nation through devolution.
~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly
Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website: www.dayofrepentance.org
or by emailing him at