As I'm praying into D Day repentance now I can see and hear by the Spirit the words "God's Gift of Victory".
I see this as a banner or canopy over our hearts on this coming D-Day anniversary. I believe it will be important that we bow our knees and confess with our tongues that every victory of man over God's enemies - whether physical or spiritual - is a gift from our omnipotent God.
We must also be clear in understanding that His gift of victory can only occur when we align our hearts and minds with the Lord's. (Although full of Grace, God is not given to answering unrighteous prayers that are motivated purely by selfish purposes.) We must understand - as did those victorious soldiers in WWII - that God's enemies are our enemies, one and the same.
Whenever we reach beyond our flesh in the fight against God's unrighteous foes we can surely believe and trust that our Almighty God will give victory into our hands when we call upon His Holy Name - for our triune God is Faithful and True to those whose hearts and minds are stayed on Him.
We must also recognize that God is now calling us out and drawing us together as prayer warriors in preparation for the Greater Battle that is to come. Just as God has been faithful to us in defeating past enemies, now He is looking to His sons to rise up to new levels of faithfulness to Himself, God our Father. Our levels of faith must rise as rapidly as the waters that rose from the ankles to the waist.
As sons of God, we are called to stand against all enemies of God's righteousness, preparing the way for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and His millenium Kingdom.
The battle we are being called into today is of course a spiritual battle, not a fleshly one. It will be won by the Greatest Gift of Victory ever given to any man - the gift of Salvation by the sacrifice of God's only Son on the Cross of Calvary - in order that the sons of Adam may have eternal victory over sin, sickness, death and every power of God's nemesis, Satan. And even more so, that we in the Western nations can receive the blessed privilege and honour of being called adopted sons of God! May the seal of God, our Abba Father, be found in our hearts and on our foreheads!
Our weapons of warfare will be the same as those used by Christ Jesus, Who set a perfect example of victorious living for us all. Jesus' victory came through His death to sin and self and through His perfect submission to the will and purposes of His Heavenly Father, doing only that which His Father told and showed Him to do.
In like manner we also have victory by honouring the perfect will of our heavenly Father. We conquer death with His Love demonstrated to us on the Cross of Calvary, overcome sin with the same grace and forgiveness that He showed to us, heal illness by faith, and defeat every spiritual power with the Higher Wisdom and Power of God's Holy Spirit and Word. The righteous rule and reign with shoes of Peace as we spread about the good news of the Gospel of "Yeshua HaMashiach", Jesus the Messiah.
We disciples of Christ Jesus and sons of God are being called by our Father today to band together in one accord with Unity and Grace to defeat every enemy of the Kingdom of God on this earth.
Yes, God's Gift of Victory is as assured today as it was 70 years ago on Omaha beach in Normandy, for it was eternally secured by the Victory of the Cross almost 2000 years previously! Yes, God knows about surrendering sons in war. His promise of Victory was sealed with the 'passover' Blood of His own Son on the Cross of Calvary and released through His Divine resurrection power on the 3rd day. Praise Jesus!
God's Victorious power is no less potent today. It is available to all who seek and love God and His Word above all else and who fully believe in, cleave to, rely on and trust totally in Jesus Christ as God's Holy Son. For these righteous ones, God's Victory is still assured by the supernatural Power of the Holy Spirit.
Once again the Lord is calling for a battle cry from His children as we stand to face God's enemies. Our Lord of Lords is longing to respond, to come with His horsemen and enlist us into His riding party.
God's Word says that many are called but few are chosen. The question for all of us: Whose side and purposes are you serving today? Will we choose God's side of Victory assured, or dally on the sidelines leaving others to do the warring? Jesus set His face like flint as He made His final journey towards His enemies in Jerusalem - and so too must we if are to avoid worldly distractions and ultimately receive victors' crowns on the fearsome & joyous day of our Lord's return as King of Kings. If God is with us, who then can stand against us? Blessed be the Almighty Name of the Lord - our Wisdom, Strength and Victor in all. #
I pray this blesses you. May God bless you mightily!
Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:
or by emailing him at