Saturday, May 31, 2014

Prophetic Word from May 11, 2014

Now I am the God who reorders and rearranges. For I say unto thee saith the Lord, that there is a reordering and a rearranging of plans, purposes, seasons, and events, even in this house saith the Lord and in this ministry, and in this region, and even in this nation saith the Lord. For I am the God who sets the plumb line from before the foundation of the world, even as I declared that My Son Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. I’ve even set a plumb line for this nation. And I say unto thee saith God because the nation has not lined up to the plumb line, I am resetting the course. I am reordering the events.

I am repositioning even the foundations of even that which this country was set.

I am bringing them to full circle and full measure saith the Lord. I am realigning, I am rearranging, I am reordering, for this is the time of Divine visitation. This is the time of surely a Great Awakening from My Hands saith the Lord.

Shall you not see it? Shall you not behold it? Shall you not walk in it? Shall you not soak in it saith The Lord of Host?

Many have seen the vision and they said is this the way it’s going to be, is this all we can look forward to? And the Lord says, no. For behold I am a God who is gathering, bringing together My people from all places of worship and of fellowship and of endeavors and I shall by My Spirit bring them together to be an army, though they may never see one another, they shall be by the Spirit together. And they shall be marching forward and marching onward. And they shall see the victory, and the glory of the Lord and the gates of hell shall not be able to resist them. For there shall be a plundering by My people into the Kingdom of darkness. And I shall see many come forth as I call them by name and give them a new name saith the Lord. And behold you, each and every one of you in your various places of endeavors and experiences and labors shall see that come to pass right before you. And you shall know it’s of My hand and My work and My Spirit, but yet I will use you, for you are My army. You are My people. You’ve been called by name, and the mark is on you of God, not of this world, saith the Lord.

For I say unto thee saith the Lord, that I am about to visit this nation, and I say unto thee, where the blood has been ignored, and where sin has been spoken of as a very light thing I am about to cause a mighty emphasis on My precious blood. And as the emphasis increases on My blood, there shall be an increase of the emphasis of My power and My glory and My anointing. For I say unto thee saith the Lord that I desire to reveal to the United States of America Who I am, to reveal to this nation the God of the bible. For I say unto thee saith God, there shall even be a return. There are those who have even ignored, that knew better, the things of the Spirit.

For I shall cause a great repentance saith God. There will even be those even in front of the congregations that shall openly repent and say I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I repent. Lord, Lord, let us return unto you, let us return unto you, let us return unto you. And I say unto you saith the Lord, there will also be an opposition, and the opposition shall arise, but I will cause a dividing line of My Spirit, and it shall be known of this group as it was in the book of Acts, that great grace was upon that church, even as I spoke great grace, even a few verses later there was also divine judgment.  

For I say unto thee, with the move of God there shall also be a judging and a judgment of those that would seek to oppose what I will do.

For I say unto you saith God, that My true bride shall arise, and there shall be great harvest, for My heart is the souls of this country. My heart is the souls that are being swept into hell by the millions.

I say unto thee saith the Lord, surely I shall have a harvest. Surely I shall have a harvest. Surely I shall have a harvest saith the Lord.

For there shall be a shaking in Washington. For I say unto thee saith the Lord, I shall even cause some things to be exposed that have been well hidden. But it will be by My Spirit saith God, and through it My Blood shall sweep that Washington D.C. area. Even from the White House, even from the Congress, in the judicial system of the Supreme Court, and even the Pentagon saith God.

For there shall be a sweeping across this nation. You will see the wind blowing. You will see it blow by My Spirit saith God, and you will see the manifestation of it, says the Lord.

Even main line denominations that are going through the motions that have no clue who I am saith God; this shall be a clean sweep. It shall be on all flesh. It shall be on all ethnic groups. It shall be on all social statuses saith the Lord.

There shall not be one spectrum that shall be ignored. For when I said that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, I shall surely pour out My Spirit on all flesh saith the Lord.

Even the public schools, I have a strategy. I have a strategy saith the Lord, and I‘ve hidden it, but it’s about to be revealed saith God whereby there shall be outbreaks of My Sprit and My fire. And it shall not be able to be controlled by man’s regulations.

I have a greater plan saith God and a greater strategy, and there’s been much intercession. I’ve had intercessors praying in the wee hours of the morning, and I am calling other intercessors, and there are more that are joining the forces saith God. And it is the intercession that is turning the tide. It is the cry of the hearts of My people that has got My attention saith God, and surely the move is at hand.

I will cause events to take place. I will cause events to take place in the streets whereby the major news networks will not be able to ignore it. They will have to cover it. It will be such a large magnitude of the manifestations saith God. And actually, there will be so many that they will not be able to keep up.

For this land shall know that I am real. This land shall know that I am God. This land shall know that I Am the Lord God of Israel.

For I say unto thee saith the Lord, even concerning the parallel. Consider the parallel in the scripture whereby I declared that if the princes of this world would have known, they would have never crucified the Lord of glory. For I say unto thee, if they would have known, what is fixing to happen they would have never tried to repress the move of My Sprit in this land.

Ohhh, but it’s about to come, it’s about to come, It’s about to come saith the Lord. And My hand has been moved, and it shall surely move on this land, saith the Lord.

~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration 

–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at