Monday, September 29, 2014

Prophetic Message for the Church 9-28-2014

Love to my prophets of Repentance:

You are like a live, flowing, fresh, reviving spring.  Though you are offspring from mankind, you are music to My who are repentance preachers in the wilderness of Egypt.  You are the dwelling place of Jehovah.  Great, mighty, distinguished among mankind bringing a message of Salvation/Deliverance and Faith.  

Yea, indeed, moreover...bring in, gather, cause to come into the fold the fatherless.  God the Father will bless a hundred fold this House of God.  Now, hitherto begins the Valiant Army of strength and ability purifying your people from the uncleanness of spiritual becoming a faithful lover. 

Measure, mark out the challah (cake).  Cease, desist, forego your current land and spy out the land of Canaan, the promised land.  A great man, older in age, will have numerous progeny from the formerly sexually polluted, diseased and sick.  God will reveal him and this era will come to an end.  There will be an increase in the Harvest of Judah through the jawbone of an ass (Beasts of burden).  

The powerful, unclean lizard, chameleon-man will become nothing, without particle, as if he never was...swept away like demon-dirt, withered, disgraced, faded and treated with contempt.  He will surely fall and be dishonored.  His inner man heart is false and the "Dreams of his father" will come to nothing.  He will have to run for cover under Assyrian control and it will be painful.  His secrets will be revealed as he is carried away to exile.  

The choicest best part (fat) of the Elect will bear Fruit of the Holy Spirit and their lives will be prolonged from this false god.  But many sorrows along the coast will occur.  There will be much destruction of the country and division of the union as I measure them and have found them wanting.  Their glory, riches, honor, reputation and splendor shall cease.  Their "cheeky" mouth will taste the full measure of My Flame from the tip of the spear.  

In the sense of a "striking fire" forging a gate, I will remake the battlements of rubies, gates of sparkling jewels and walls of precious stones (Isaiah 54:12).  

But Rejoice! those of you who REPENT will find rest.  I will deal bountifully with you.  It will go well with you.  Your old worn our rags will become garments of righteousness and will do great things once again.  Every heart will understand God's love for mankind.  I will leap over your bondage.  When you say:  "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" THAT is when you will see the Light of my Advent.  You will see that Repentance is a secure Rock from Judgment...a strong base, a fixed place. 


~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration 

–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at