Saints of God!
The LORD has heard our prayers!
Praise be to His Holy Name!!
Supreme Court's authority faces stunning challenge
'This is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross'
A coalition of Christian organizations is warning that the U.S. Supreme Court does not have the power to redefine the institution of marriage, which predates government, churches and even religion.
The statement comes just as the court is expected to release its ruling on the Proposition 8 case in California and the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
“As Christians united together in defense of marriage, we pray that this will not happen. But, make no mistake about our resolve. While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the true common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross,” they say.
The group includes Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant clergy and leaders.
The statement was drafted by Deacon Keith Fournier, editor of Catholic Online, and chairman of Common Good Alliance, as well as Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel Action.
It was approved by pastors and other leaders who collectively represent tens of millions of Christians.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Dear family & friends in Christ,
I thank and praise God for the Holy Spirit leading me to do what He has asked me to do. If not for Jesus, what happened on Friday last week would have never happened.
Last Thursday I had a call from a journalist from the Sydney Daily Telegraph. She was very upset as one of their journalists was asked to leave Auburn, because it was a ‘NO GO ZONE’ or call it an ‘Islamic Sharia Zone’. This journalist who certainly seemed very upset did an interview with me and published it in the Friday newspaper.
For those who have not read it already, you may click the following link. News Link
On Friday morning as I was driving to the airport, Channel 7 Today Tonight called me and said that they wanted to interview me in Sydney. When I arrived in Sydney I was picked up by the Channel 7 vehicle and three media crew members.
While driving, they told me that we were going to Auburn, a suburb in Sydney which is more than 70% Muslim, and one of the places where the Sunni and Shia Muslims have been fighting each other regarding the war in Syria. This is the same suburb where Channel 7 Today Tonight showed a Sunni Muslim punch a Shia Muslim in the face a few weeks ago.
The reporter then told me that they have organised two body guards for me, just to make sure that nothing happened. We arrived at a car park where we were met by a 2nd TV camera crew from Channel 7 and then I was introduced to the two body guards, named Ahmed and Mohamed. They were two real big Muslim guys.
Then around ten of us, two TV camera crews, the journalist, the security guys, my lead Senate Candidate for NSW, another supporter of RUA and myself all started walking down the street. I was shocked, as it seem like I was in Dubai. Almost everyone was dressed in Muslim clothing, women wearing the hijab and men with their long Arabic clothes and hats.
We then stopped right in front of a mega Islamic bookstore, a place where they recruited Islamic Jihad fighters to go fight in Syria. Here we were right outside the front door where around 100+ Muslim men were praying at their midday prayer time on Friday.
Now is the most interesting part. As they finished their prayer and started leaving, the journalist told them, “This is Daniel Nalliah. He is the President of Rise Up Australia Party and wants to keep Australia Australian. One of his policies is to cut Muslim immigration into Australia.”
This of course got the attention of everyone and soon I was surrounded by a whole group of Muslims. Glory to God, I had no fear but only love for these dear Muslims. So I told them exactly what I meant and why we want to cut down on the intake of Muslims. Of course, they were not at all happy and were getting very angry.
Then the journalist said to them, “Rise Up Australia Party wants to stop Multiculturalism.” This got them going again, but once again I told them exactly what I have been saying all along, “That we cannot embrace Islamic culture, because for you, according to the Koran it is culture, religion and law. It is a complete way of life.”
These Muslims were getting really mad at me, but thank God I stayed calm. Just then I turned back and right behind me were three police cars and around fifteen police officers.
Then the journalist told them that Rise Up Australia Party will not permit Islamic Sharia law in Australia. Now, they got really mad and started shouting, “Allah Akbar”, with some of them shouting, “Australia will be a Muslim country in 20 years, you will all have to accept Sharia law. You will have no choice.”
Then I looked at the angry mob and told them, “We will never give you Sharia law, it is bad law. Your prophet Mohamed was not a man of peace, unlikely to Jesus and Budda. Mohamed killed many people, he was very violent and Sharia law is bad law. We believe in freedom of speech and Australian law is very good.”
Thank God for protection and angels watching out for me, also the police officers and two Muslim bodyguards ,Ahmed and Mohamed. This went on for a good 30 minutes. At the end I hugged some of them and told them I love them very much. They were quite shocked.
I actually left the place without any punches thrown at me. Then the journalist asked me as to how I could hug and love them. I told him that as Christians we do not hate people, but we love them. However, this does not mean we compromise the truth. Australia must be kept Australian. He seemed quite surprised.
It all seemed like a dream. Late in the evening the reporter told me that they could not get it ready on time and that the Channel 7 Today Tonight program will go to air this week. However, I would not be surprised if they did not broadcast it at all, as there will be some very challenging footage, exposing the plans of Islam to take over Australia.
Now, for the most important part.
On Saturday night I had a dream and saw a tiger running through the streets, trying to attack people. Everyone was so scared, they had locked all their windows and doors. Then I saw myself with many Christians all locked inside a big house and we were all praying fervently that God will send someone soon to capture the tiger.
Then in the dream I heard a voice say, “Islam is terrorising the nations. Everyone is so scared, they have locked themselves in their homes. Church, which is the answer, is also very scared and hiding inside the four walls of the church, praying fervently that someone will rescue them.
In the Bible, David prayed, but he also had to confront the enemy. The Church needs to get up and confront the enemy. With this in my dream I got up and took something which looked like a pointed sword, ran out and set an ambush, just right in the place where the tiger was coming. As the tiger jumped to attack, I pierced its neck with the sword, it fell to the ground and died.
With this I got up and had this amazing revelation of what happened on Friday. This is what came to me, the action carried out on Friday was prophetic. So often do we sing, “I went to the enemy’s camp and took back what he has stolen from me!”
Well, on Friday even though I fully did not know what was happening in the spirit, I was taken right into the enemy’s camp.
It was Islam’s main day of prayer, the Friday midday prayer. I stood right in front of the place where the strongest teachings of the Koran is practiced, in a suburb where more than 70% is Muslim, surrounded by more than 100 angry Muslim young men, and God made me declare,
“Rise Up Australia Party will reduce immigration of Muslims, stop the word ‘Multiculturalism’ and will not permit Islamic Sharia law.”
In order to carry out this supernatural prophetic action, the Lord provided two television crews, two Muslim Body guards, fifteen police officers and a hosts of mighty angels!
What a day of history making in the heavens for our nation in Australia on the road to righteous transformation!
I believe with all my heart this prophetic action will have a definite breakthrough impact on this Great South Land of the Holy Spirit!
To God be all the glory for the great things He has done, is doing and yet to do!
Yours for Australia’s Transformation,
Pr Daniel Nalliah
Catch the Fire Ministries
Rise Up Australia Party
Monday, June 10, 2013
REPENTANCE REPORT: Yom Kippur Invitation--New Zealand
Greetings from Aotearoa New Zealand. The Holy Spirit has been confirming to us in New Zealand that we are to focus on YOM KIPPUR and the call for repentance. Each year we meet in September in the mountains to sit at the feet of Jesus.We again will be at Arthurs Pass to pray for Israel and bless Israel and pray for the Australian elections as part of our support for the prayer call.
Last week the LORD revealed that he was calling us to speak and prophesy to His City "Jerusalem" and not to fear and as we did this He would also bless our cities for as we honoured Him he would also honour us. After we prayed for Jerusalem we were to bring our cities before Him one by one and He would bless each city.
Following this prophetic Word the Holy Spirit gave us a wonderful confirmation with a scripture that we have begun to speak without fear lifting up our voices." BEHOLD YOUR GOD" the Lord has also directed us to proclaim "BEHOLD YOUR GOD" it is written over each city in New Zealand. The Lord has asked me to share this with you.We will be speaking this also from the mountains in September and sharing this word through the prayer network.
Isaiah 40:9.
Last week the LORD revealed that he was calling us to speak and prophesy to His City "Jerusalem" and not to fear and as we did this He would also bless our cities for as we honoured Him he would also honour us. After we prayed for Jerusalem we were to bring our cities before Him one by one and He would bless each city.
Following this prophetic Word the Holy Spirit gave us a wonderful confirmation with a scripture that we have begun to speak without fear lifting up our voices." BEHOLD YOUR GOD" the Lord has also directed us to proclaim "BEHOLD YOUR GOD" it is written over each city in New Zealand. The Lord has asked me to share this with you.We will be speaking this also from the mountains in September and sharing this word through the prayer network.
Isaiah 40:9.
9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, "Behold your God!
The following two scripture 10-1110 Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.
Matthew 9:37-38 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
Looking Forward to being united in prayer and in fellowship and also with those that can join with us in the mountains..
Ps Warren Lyons
Call To Prayer Ministries International
The following two scripture 10-1110 Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.
The following has been sent out to our prayer networks.
Call To Prayer Ministries International
SHALOM Grace and Peace in God our Father and the LORD Jesus Christ.
To prepare for any flight bookings we are sending the following invitation and information out for your planning and preparation if you wish to join us at Arthurs Pass to "PROPHESY FROM THE MOUNTAINS" and PROCLAIM GODS WORD on the weekend of September 13th,14th, 15th 2013.
Your personal Invitation and Registration Form is attached or you may register direct on the web
Following our successful ANZAC call by the LORD to stand with Pastor Jeff Daly of America who is now calling for a National Day of Repentance for Yom Kippur which is on the day of 14th September 2013, we are also called by the LORD again to unite in prayer with this call with other nations joining in to stand together for this International Day of Repentance.
We will be gathering in Aotearoa New Zealand with a National Venue set aside for this "International Day of Repentance" in the mountains of the Southern Alps at "ARTHURS PASS" as part of supporting this prayer call,
Those that gather will be standing in the gap regarding God's call to His Church and to the Nations bringing before the LORD of all the earths the type of relationship the "Church" and" Nations" have with Israel; requesting of the LORD with heartfelt repentance His forgiveness and mercy for the replacement theology that has been embraced by many Churches contrary to God's Word, the compromise and the rejection of Israel by the churches and nations by not embracing Israel and acknowledging the God of Abraham; Isaac and Jacob the the God of Israel; who is our God and Father in Jesus name.
To receive the great harvest of the nations for His Kingdom we must connect as God's people with Israel, being grafted into the life giving olive tree drawing from the life giving sap of the true vine.The Church of Jesus Christ in humility and repentance can be reunited with the heart of God so a to receive the fullness of His love that He offers to us all.
Other nations may also join in with us to stand before the LORD who is faithful to His promise to all those that have a heart to love and bless Israel; as they too and their nations will be blessed. Jesus is the light of the world,and also the light of Israel the Messiah to the Nations and Israel's Messiah.
If you are unable to join us in the mountains for the weekend and sense the calling of God to be in prayer; worship and intercession with a heart of repentance to proclaim God's word and prophesy or blow the shofar for Israel for the "International Day Of Repentance" in line with "YOM KIPPUR" on the 14th September; please let us know as we can provide you with prayer points for the day as the LORD leads you.
We will also be setting a specific time aside to pray and prophecy and proclaim God’s Word for the Australian elections and for our brothers and sisters in Australia with ANZAC unity; proclaiming God's Word and prophesying during the weekend at Arthurs Pass.The Australian election day also happens to fall on the same day as Yom Kippur.
We also ask other intercessors and nations to join with us in pray for "Yom Kippur" as well as for the "Australia elections" as the Australian government is also important to us all and the purposes of God for the Great Southland's of the Holy Spirit and the nations of the earth, more information will be posted on the web and forwarded to those interested in joining and standing together as one in prayer.
The prayer strategy will also begin prior to the "International Day of Repentance" and will be updated; to those that that are called and send us your availability, contact nation; name and email address as called by the LORD, we will be able to keep you fully updated.
Let us believe together for a great harvest of souls in Israel and the nations of the earth.
Acts 20:21 testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 10:15 And again he saith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people.
Romans 11:11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.
Romans 11:15-25 15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? 16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not high minded but fear 21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree? 25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
Please feel free to forward the above through your own networks as the Holy Spirit leads.
Looking Forward to being united in prayer and in fellowship and also with those that can join with us in the mountains..
Ps Warren Lyons
Call To Prayer Ministries International
REPENTANCE REPORT: Former Lesbian converts to Christianity
CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Darin Miller, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866) 372-6397
CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Darin Miller, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866) 372-6397
FRC to Host Webcast Lecture on Testimony of Former Lesbian University Professor
June 10, 2013
June 10, 2013
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Family Research Council (FRC) will host a family policy lecture at noon Eastern on Wednesday, June 12, by Dr. Rosaria Champagne Butterfield. Credentialed media interested in attending this lecture must register in advance by emailing
Dr. Butterfield, a former lesbian who taught at Syracuse University, will share the story of how she came to faith in Christ and how it has changed her life. She will also discuss ways to graciously address difficult questions regarding sexuality with friends, family members and neighbors.
Before turning to Christ, Dr. Butterfield perceived the Christian faith to be hateful and dark with judgment. Her presuppositions were challenged by the letter of a local pastor, who asked her to explain her perceptions. As Dr. Butterfield pondered the deep questions she had been asked, the Truth began to soften her heart and change her life.
Dr. Butterfield holds a Ph.D. in English Literature and Cultural Studies from Ohio State University. She is the author of a Christian memoir, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor's Journey into Christian Faith (Crown and Covenant Publications, 2012). She is currently working on two new books, one to discuss Biblical sexuality and the other Biblical hospitality.
Dr. Butterfield taught in the English Department and Women's Studies Program at Syracuse University until 1998, the year she was nominated for tenure. She left Syracuse in 1999 and taught at Geneva College after her conversion to Christianity. She is married to Reverend Kent C. Butterfield, pastor of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Durham. They reside in Durham, North Carolina with two of their four children.
WHO: Dr. Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, professor and author
WHAT: Family policy lecture: "An Unlikely Convert: A Former Lesbian Professor's Journey to Faith"
WHERE: Online:; In Person: ** CREDENTIALED MEDIA MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE BY EMAILING DBM@FRC.ORG; Family Research Council Media Center, 801 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001
WHEN:12 p.m. Eastern, Wednesday, June 12
A light lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.
Friday, June 7, 2013
REPENTANCE REPORT: Bible's strong comeback surprises secular Norway
OSLO, Norway (AP) — It may sound like an unlikely No. 1 best-seller for any country, but in Norway — one of the most secular nations in an increasingly godless Europe — the runaway popularity of the Bible has caught the country by surprise. The Scriptures, in a new Norwegian language version, even outpaced "Fifty Shades of Grey" to become Norway's best-selling book.
The sudden burst of interest in God's word has also spread to the stage, with a six-hour play called "Bibelen," Norwegian for "the Bible," drawing 16,000 people in a three-month run that recently ended at one of Oslo's most prominent theaters.
Officials of the Lutheran Church of Norway have stopped short of calling it a spiritual awakening, but they see the newfound interest in the Bible as proof that it still resonates in a country where only 1 percent of the 5 million residents regularly attends church.
"Thoughts and images from the Bible still have an impact on how we experience reality," said Karl Ove Knausgaard, one of several famous Norwegian authors enlisted to help with the translation.
Scholars aren't surprised at the success of the plays or the new Bible translation, explaining that faith is a deeply personal matter in this nation of taciturn Scandinavians who regularly withdraw from city life to spend holidays at remote cottages in the solitude of the mountains, fjords and forests.
"Church attendance is a poor measure of the Norwegian state of faith," said post-doctoral fellow Thorgeir Kolshus at the University of Oslo. "Religion is a very private thing for Norwegians."
Anne Veiteberg, publishing director of Norway's Bible Society, said that increased immigration also probably has been a factor.
More than 258,000 immigrants have settled in the country during the last six years alone, adding diversity of race and religion. The Church of Norway estimates that around 60 percent of immigrants are Christian, while the rest are Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu.
"Now that we're exposed to other faiths, Norwegians have gotten more interested in their own faith," Veiteberg said.
Released in October 2011 by the Norwegian Bible Society, the new translation replaces a 1978 edition, with the goal of improving readability and accuracy. For example, in the older version, Mary was called a "virgin." In the new translation she is referred to instead as a "young" woman. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops also made this change in its latest Bible translation from 2011, saying the change didn't alter teaching about Mary, but was meant to address the possible different meanings of the Hebrew word "almah" in the text.
Norway's Bible Society promoted the new translation like a pop fiction novel, stirring anticipation by giving out teasers of biblical stories before its release.It turned to poets and authors such as Knausgard to make the text sing and resonate for a new generation. And it was packaged in a variety of ways, targeting teenagers with pink leather or denim covers, and adults with bridal or sophisticated literary covers.
"It's easier to read," says Helga Haugland Byfuglien, presiding bishop for the Church of Norway. "There is no over-interpretation of the text."
It has sold nearly 160,000 copies and was Norway's best-selling book in 2012. Church officials concede that hefty marketing campaigns helped explain the strong sales.
Like many other European nations, Norwegians have experienced decades of secularization as religion has taken a back seat to other pursuits. They are fiercely committed to jamming weekends with skiing, hiking and other outdoor activities, leaving little time other than Christmas or Easter to fill the pews.
Last year, Parliament unanimously decided to end the Lutheran church's status as the official state religion.
Erik Ulfsby, artistic director at Det Norske Teatret, which staged the "Bibelen" play, said that even if Norwegians don't go to church, they still see the Bible as an important part of their literary heritage.
"The (church) wants you to agree with their interpretation but the theater gives you the chance to think out loud and discuss the Bible," he said.
The play, directed by Stein Winge, certainly offered a nontraditional interpretation.
For instance, rather than dying on a cross, Jesus was committed to a mental hospital and eventually executed via lethal injection. And, at the wedding at Cana, show-goers saw Jesus portrayed as being drunk when he changed water to wine.
"Bible" isn't the first religious production to have Norwegians at the edge of their seats. Renowned actor Svein Tindberg has staged three monologues based on the Bible, each more successful than the last.
In the mid-1990s, "Gospel of Mark" was slated to run for 20 nights but was such a hit that Tindberg performed 220 nights. His latest production, "Abraham's Children," opened last year and has sold 52,000 tickets, compared to expectations of 1,000 — outselling "Evita" in Norway.
Despite the unorthodox artistic interpretations that are emerging, religious authorities in Norway are embracing the concept of experiencing religion through art.
"Even if you don't believe the core of the message, the Bible has rich, meaningful stories," Byfuglien said. "Culture breaks the religious shyness that people have in association with the church and it's a way for those who have distanced themselves to experience it in an interesting way."
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
The Earth Will Tremble
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour—Jesus Christ/Yeshua
Today we are going to be giving you some insights into Proverbs 30:23
This is probably one of the more obscure and difficult proverbs to interpret.
Let’s read:
Under three things the Earth trembles, under four it cannot bear up:
A servant who become King
a godless fool who gets plenty to eat
a contemptible woman who gets married
and a servant who despises her mistress
OK---if you're like me, this one has made ZERO sense to you before.
Perhaps you have said: What's the purpose of this one God?
Since the United States has been rocked with an abundance of natural disasters lately--I think it's appropriate to study this one out.
Proverbs tells us:
The earth TREMBLES
Under 4 things it CANNOT BEAR UP
We had better find out what those 4 things are!
I think the first two lines are self-evident and fully evidenced today in our national leaders and the excesses of our indiscriminate social welfare programs.
However, the last two lines are the most cryptic:
"a contemptible woman who gets married"
and "a servant who despises her mistress".
What is the world does this mean???
Well, recently we received an eye-opening insight on this scripture from one of our members:
If we research the word "Married" in Strong's concordance, it connotes one who attempts dominion over her husband (Lord) and "contemptible woman"(Strong’s #8130) means a hater of mankind, hater of God, hater of a nation. Servant means "handmaid" (Strong’s #8198) normally used to describe a concubine or a “second wife” situation in the Bible which also produced children.
We can see this situation when Sarai offered Abram her “handmaiden” Hagar in order for Abram to have a child, despite God’s promises to them. I humbly submit that America (the handmaiden) is about to betray Israel (the original wife). You can see the inner workings of this as our Cabinet members (Hagel & Kerry) keep pressuring Israel to accept “land for peace” deals.
To put it plainly and simply:
The earth will simply not "bear up" under this abomination.
The United States is "the contemptible woman" who gets married. We are like the "second wife" invited to join in the covenantal blessings of Israel. But what have we done? We have instead "despised our mistress “--Israel. When Hagar saw that she was with child, she looked with contempt upon her mistress and despised her. We are literally trying to "dispossess" our Spiritual Mistress of her land in serious rebellion and contrariness to God's decrees.
When this happens…When/if the U.S. is instrumental in dispossessing Israel of her land
Please join us in praying for National Repentance and Revival.
Go to: and join in our commitment to fast, pray and REPENT!!!
~Posted by Jeff Daly
Today we are going to be giving you some insights into Proverbs 30:23
This is probably one of the more obscure and difficult proverbs to interpret.
Let’s read:
Under three things the Earth trembles, under four it cannot bear up:
A servant who become King
a godless fool who gets plenty to eat
a contemptible woman who gets married
and a servant who despises her mistress
OK---if you're like me, this one has made ZERO sense to you before.
Perhaps you have said: What's the purpose of this one God?
Since the United States has been rocked with an abundance of natural disasters lately--I think it's appropriate to study this one out.
Proverbs tells us:
The earth TREMBLES
Under 4 things it CANNOT BEAR UP
We had better find out what those 4 things are!
I think the first two lines are self-evident and fully evidenced today in our national leaders and the excesses of our indiscriminate social welfare programs.
However, the last two lines are the most cryptic:
"a contemptible woman who gets married"
and "a servant who despises her mistress".
What is the world does this mean???
Well, recently we received an eye-opening insight on this scripture from one of our members:
If we research the word "Married" in Strong's concordance, it connotes one who attempts dominion over her husband (Lord) and "contemptible woman"(Strong’s #8130) means a hater of mankind, hater of God, hater of a nation. Servant means "handmaid" (Strong’s #8198) normally used to describe a concubine or a “second wife” situation in the Bible which also produced children.
We can see this situation when Sarai offered Abram her “handmaiden” Hagar in order for Abram to have a child, despite God’s promises to them. I humbly submit that America (the handmaiden) is about to betray Israel (the original wife). You can see the inner workings of this as our Cabinet members (Hagel & Kerry) keep pressuring Israel to accept “land for peace” deals.
To put it plainly and simply:
The earth will simply not "bear up" under this abomination.
The United States is "the contemptible woman" who gets married. We are like the "second wife" invited to join in the covenantal blessings of Israel. But what have we done? We have instead "despised our mistress “--Israel. When Hagar saw that she was with child, she looked with contempt upon her mistress and despised her. We are literally trying to "dispossess" our Spiritual Mistress of her land in serious rebellion and contrariness to God's decrees.
When this happens…When/if the U.S. is instrumental in dispossessing Israel of her land
Please join us in praying for National Repentance and Revival.
Go to: and join in our commitment to fast, pray and REPENT!!!
~Posted by Jeff Daly
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