Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Dear family & friends in Christ,
I thank and praise God for the Holy Spirit leading me to do what He has asked me to do. If not for Jesus, what happened on Friday last week would have never happened.
Last Thursday I had a call from a journalist from the Sydney Daily Telegraph. She was very upset as one of their journalists was asked to leave Auburn, because it was a ‘NO GO ZONE’ or call it an ‘Islamic Sharia Zone’. This journalist who certainly seemed very upset did an interview with me and published it in the Friday newspaper.
For those who have not read it already, you may click the following link. News Link
On Friday morning as I was driving to the airport, Channel 7 Today Tonight called me and said that they wanted to interview me in Sydney. When I arrived in Sydney I was picked up by the Channel 7 vehicle and three media crew members.
While driving, they told me that we were going to Auburn, a suburb in Sydney which is more than 70% Muslim, and one of the places where the Sunni and Shia Muslims have been fighting each other regarding the war in Syria. This is the same suburb where Channel 7 Today Tonight showed a Sunni Muslim punch a Shia Muslim in the face a few weeks ago.
The reporter then told me that they have organised two body guards for me, just to make sure that nothing happened. We arrived at a car park where we were met by a 2nd TV camera crew from Channel 7 and then I was introduced to the two body guards, named Ahmed and Mohamed. They were two real big Muslim guys.
Then around ten of us, two TV camera crews, the journalist, the security guys, my lead Senate Candidate for NSW, another supporter of RUA and myself all started walking down the street. I was shocked, as it seem like I was in Dubai. Almost everyone was dressed in Muslim clothing, women wearing the hijab and men with their long Arabic clothes and hats.
We then stopped right in front of a mega Islamic bookstore, a place where they recruited Islamic Jihad fighters to go fight in Syria. Here we were right outside the front door where around 100+ Muslim men were praying at their midday prayer time on Friday.
Now is the most interesting part. As they finished their prayer and started leaving, the journalist told them, “This is Daniel Nalliah. He is the President of Rise Up Australia Party and wants to keep Australia Australian. One of his policies is to cut Muslim immigration into Australia.”
This of course got the attention of everyone and soon I was surrounded by a whole group of Muslims. Glory to God, I had no fear but only love for these dear Muslims. So I told them exactly what I meant and why we want to cut down on the intake of Muslims. Of course, they were not at all happy and were getting very angry.
Then the journalist said to them, “Rise Up Australia Party wants to stop Multiculturalism.” This got them going again, but once again I told them exactly what I have been saying all along, “That we cannot embrace Islamic culture, because for you, according to the Koran it is culture, religion and law. It is a complete way of life.”
These Muslims were getting really mad at me, but thank God I stayed calm. Just then I turned back and right behind me were three police cars and around fifteen police officers.
Then the journalist told them that Rise Up Australia Party will not permit Islamic Sharia law in Australia. Now, they got really mad and started shouting, “Allah Akbar”, with some of them shouting, “Australia will be a Muslim country in 20 years, you will all have to accept Sharia law. You will have no choice.”
Then I looked at the angry mob and told them, “We will never give you Sharia law, it is bad law. Your prophet Mohamed was not a man of peace, unlikely to Jesus and Budda. Mohamed killed many people, he was very violent and Sharia law is bad law. We believe in freedom of speech and Australian law is very good.”
Thank God for protection and angels watching out for me, also the police officers and two Muslim bodyguards ,Ahmed and Mohamed. This went on for a good 30 minutes. At the end I hugged some of them and told them I love them very much. They were quite shocked.
I actually left the place without any punches thrown at me. Then the journalist asked me as to how I could hug and love them. I told him that as Christians we do not hate people, but we love them. However, this does not mean we compromise the truth. Australia must be kept Australian. He seemed quite surprised.
It all seemed like a dream. Late in the evening the reporter told me that they could not get it ready on time and that the Channel 7 Today Tonight program will go to air this week. However, I would not be surprised if they did not broadcast it at all, as there will be some very challenging footage, exposing the plans of Islam to take over Australia.
Now, for the most important part.
On Saturday night I had a dream and saw a tiger running through the streets, trying to attack people. Everyone was so scared, they had locked all their windows and doors. Then I saw myself with many Christians all locked inside a big house and we were all praying fervently that God will send someone soon to capture the tiger.
Then in the dream I heard a voice say, “Islam is terrorising the nations. Everyone is so scared, they have locked themselves in their homes. Church, which is the answer, is also very scared and hiding inside the four walls of the church, praying fervently that someone will rescue them.
In the Bible, David prayed, but he also had to confront the enemy. The Church needs to get up and confront the enemy. With this in my dream I got up and took something which looked like a pointed sword, ran out and set an ambush, just right in the place where the tiger was coming. As the tiger jumped to attack, I pierced its neck with the sword, it fell to the ground and died.
With this I got up and had this amazing revelation of what happened on Friday. This is what came to me, the action carried out on Friday was prophetic. So often do we sing, “I went to the enemy’s camp and took back what he has stolen from me!”
Well, on Friday even though I fully did not know what was happening in the spirit, I was taken right into the enemy’s camp.
It was Islam’s main day of prayer, the Friday midday prayer. I stood right in front of the place where the strongest teachings of the Koran is practiced, in a suburb where more than 70% is Muslim, surrounded by more than 100 angry Muslim young men, and God made me declare,
“Rise Up Australia Party will reduce immigration of Muslims, stop the word ‘Multiculturalism’ and will not permit Islamic Sharia law.”
In order to carry out this supernatural prophetic action, the Lord provided two television crews, two Muslim Body guards, fifteen police officers and a hosts of mighty angels!
What a day of history making in the heavens for our nation in Australia on the road to righteous transformation!
I believe with all my heart this prophetic action will have a definite breakthrough impact on this Great South Land of the Holy Spirit!
To God be all the glory for the great things He has done, is doing and yet to do!
Yours for Australia’s Transformation,
Pr Daniel Nalliah
Catch the Fire Ministries
Rise Up Australia Party