Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Earth Will Tremble

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour—Jesus Christ/Yeshua

Today we are going to be giving you some insights into Proverbs 30:23
This is probably one of the more obscure and difficult proverbs to interpret. 

Let’s read: 
Under three things the Earth trembles, under four it cannot bear up:
A servant who become King
a godless fool who gets plenty to eat
a contemptible woman who gets married
and a servant who despises her mistress

OK---if you're like me, this one has made ZERO sense to you before.
Perhaps you have said: What's the purpose of this one God?

Since the United States has been rocked with an abundance of natural disasters lately--I think it's appropriate to study this one out.

Proverbs tells us: 
The earth TREMBLES
Under 4 things it CANNOT BEAR UP

We had better find out what those 4 things are!

I think the first two lines are self-evident and fully evidenced today in our national leaders and the excesses of our indiscriminate social welfare programs. 

However, the last two lines are the most cryptic:

"a contemptible woman who gets married"
and "a servant who despises her mistress".

What is the world does this mean???
Well, recently we received an eye-opening insight on this scripture from one of our members:

If we research the word "Married" in Strong's concordance, it connotes one who attempts dominion over her husband (Lord) and "contemptible woman"(Strong’s #8130) means a hater of mankind, hater of God, hater of a nation.  Servant means "handmaid" (Strong’s #8198) normally used to describe a concubine or a “second wife” situation in the Bible which also produced children. 

We can see this situation when Sarai offered Abram her “handmaiden” Hagar in order for  Abram to have a child, despite God’s promises to them.   I humbly submit that America (the handmaiden) is about to betray Israel (the original wife). You can see the inner workings of this as our Cabinet members (Hagel & Kerry) keep pressuring Israel to accept “land for peace” deals. 

To put it plainly and simply:

 The earth will simply not "bear up" under this abomination.

The United States is "the contemptible woman" who gets married. We are like the "second wife" invited to join in the covenantal blessings of Israel. But what have we done? We have instead "despised our mistress “--Israel.  When Hagar saw that she was with child, she looked with contempt upon her mistress and despised her. We are literally trying to "dispossess" our Spiritual Mistress of her land in serious rebellion and contrariness to God's decrees.

When this happens…When/if the U.S. is instrumental in dispossessing Israel of her land

Please join us in praying for National Repentance and Revival.
Go to:  www.dayofrepentance.org and join in our commitment to fast, pray and REPENT!!!
~Posted by Jeff Daly