Boko Haram terrorists kidnap dozens of Nigerian boys and men
The bloodthirsty and brutal Islamic terrorist group. Boko Haram, appear to be attempting to show the world that they’re equal opportunity kidnappers on Friday when they invaded a village in Nigeria and abducted dozens of boys and young men, loaded them on trucks, and then drove out of the village with them, according to news reports in Africa and the Middle East.
On Sunday in the village of Doron Baga near Lake Chad, the Islamic terrorists burned homes and slaughtered civilian and they are believed to have abducted more than 90 Nigerians.Boko Haram created an international firestorm when its terrorists in April kidnapped hundreds of Nigeria schoolgirls from predominately Christian village of Chibok. The al-Qaida affiliate is fighting to establish an Islamic caliphate much the same as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has created in parts of Syria and Iraq.
Boko Haram is recognized by many the biggest security threat to Nigeria which is Africa’s top economy and oil producer. The jihadists have increased their terror operations that target civilians and the group is becoming more and more violent and brutal.
The group began kidnapping boys and forcing them to fight and abducting girls as sex slaves as the jihadists became less and less popular. “Nigeria’s democracy is being tested by recurring violence, attacks and threats against Christians by Boko Haram, and the misuse of religion by politicians, religious leaders, and others,” according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).
In its 2014 Annual Report, officials at the USCIRF stated:
“In a country where religion and religious identity are intertwined in ethnic, political, economic, and social controversies, these dynamics strain already tense Christian-Muslim relations. While the Nigerian government does not engage in religious persecution, it tolerates severe violations through its failure to bring to justice those responsible for systematic, ongoing, and egregious religious freedom violations, or to prevent or contain sectarian violence. Boko Haram benefits from this culture of impunity and lawlessness as it exploits religious tensions to destabilize Nigeria.”
BREAKING NEWS!!! Yobe State in Nigeria is boiling now! Churches are being burnt, many Christians are being killed.
Please pray even if it's for just a minute & fwd to others to pray too. Don't ignore it.
Let's cry to our Lord against those terrorists. Please send to all prayer warriors.
Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:
or by emailing him at