Tuesday, July 2, 2013

American Branches of Government About to be Lopped Off?

In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling, I'd like to share this insight on Isaiah 10:33

Here's the scripture (NIV)

See, the Lord, the LORD Almighty, will lop off the boughs with great power. The lofty trees will be felled, the tall ones will be brought low.

Here's an insight from one of our members:

 Isaiah 10:33
10=Man's government (as opposed to 12=God's government)
33=Promise (as in God saying:  "I promise you this....")
The three branches of American Gov't are about to finish raising their defiant fists in the face of Almighty God in this manner:
1) Supreme Court/gay marriage (overriding the will of the people also)
2) Executive Branch/pushing Israel into "land for peace deals" w/ Kerry
3) Congress: House of Rep's just passed abortion restriction bill--but it will probably be shot down in Senate. Also coming up for vote:  Immigration bill and ENDA (so called gay civil rights bill)
Thus...the "perfect storm trifecta" of officially sanctioning all major Biblical abominations against the sanctity of life, sanctity of marriage and defying God's everlasting covenant with Israel.
The word "LOP"...ONLY occurs 1x in entire KJV.  Here's the interpretation:
Behold the Lord: Master returning to his household affairs
the Lord: Jehovah, the "Existing One"
of hosts,: army, war, warfare
shall lop: divide, cut off branches
the bough: branch(es)
with terror: awful shock, sudden terror, violence
and the high ones: haughty, rotten to the core, wormy
of stature [shall be]: cedars as in Isaiah 9:10 prophecy (Harbinger)
hewn down: shaved off , chopped off
and the haughty: proud, lofty, arrogant
shall be humbled: humilated, sink low, abased, forced to sit down

~posted by courtesy/permission of Pastor Jeff Daly