Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Balm for the 9th of Av

For those of us who follow the Hebrew calendar, we are just completing a 21 day period of Mourning beginning on the 17th of Tammuz and ending on the 9th of Av.  The 17th of Tammuz began with our Supreme Court rending disturbing twin verdicts on DOMA and Proposition 8.  This is the day in history considered to be a "wall breach" just prior to ultimate destruction. 
The 9th of Av is the darkest day on the Hebrew Calendar.  It is the day that the Jewish Temple was destroyed TWICE in history.   
Here’s a list of some historically significant events that prophetically all occurred on the SAME DAY in history:

Evil report accepted from 12 spies and Jews failed to enter Promised Land (1312 BCE)

First Temple destroyed (423 B.C.)

Second Temple destroyed (70 A.D.)

Jews Massacred in Roman Revolt of Simon bar Kochba (133 A.D.)

Jew expelled from England (1290 A.D.)

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain order all Jews banished (1492 A.D.)

Germany declares war on Russia (WWI) eventually leading to Holocaust (1914 A.D.)

While praying about this, God laid on my heart this one simple word: "Balm".

Balm is listed 6 x in 6 verses in the King James Version.

The 6 x 6 = exponential significance to the fallen condition of mankind.

Then, God led me to Jeremiah 51:8

Jeremiah of course was a prophet predicting the fall of Israel (Those nations founded under God’s Covenant are shadow-pictures of a bridal nation like Israel).

51=The "cosmic Do-over" year. First God declares the Jubilee (year 50), then He swipes the board clean (year 51). Year 51 began in September of 2012 in the Hebrew calendar and January 2013 in the Gregorian calendar.

8=super abundance, more than enough, the Infinity sign, never-ending as in His Mercy endures forever.

Here's what balm means in detail: from an unused root word meaning to crack [as by pressure] hence, to leak (like an aloe plant), balm from a tree or plant.

Here's the verse that God drew me to and its meaning: Jer 51:8 Babylon 894 (confusion by "mixing" ungodliness with the Law) is suddenly 6597 (surprisingly, in a moment of sudden terror) fallen 5307 (violent death, laid flat, prostrate, could also be AT THE SAME TIME a reference to massive repentance: as in "fallen to our knees") and destroyed 7665 (wrecked, crushed, maimed, shattered, rent violently): howl 3213 (yell, wail) for her; take 3947 (remove, carry off, as in "take a wife", possibly mean extract the Bride of Christ through the process of Repentance) balm 6875 (healing from brokenness) for her pain 4341,(sorrow) if so be she may be healed 7495 (make healthful once again through national hurts).
~Despite the negative overall message the very last word of this prophecy left off with some encouragement.


God is going to crack our brittleness open to release His healing balm. In doing so, He knows in His infinite Mercy and Wisdom that the healing process will have a chance to begin.

Still...it will be painful in the interim.

God plans to make us healthful once again through our national hurts. Let's embrace the brokenness. 

You have heard my voice, "Do not hide Your ear from my prayer for relief, From my cry for help."
~Lamentations 3:56

~posted by permission of Pastor Jeff Daly