Wednesday, July 17, 2013

European Union Throws Israel Under the Bus on 9th of Av

The 9th of Av is the darkest day on the Hebrew Calendar.  Events of MAJOR prophetic importance have occurred on this date throughout history.  In 2013, we see yet another super-power government attempt to curse Israel.  See this excerpt from a news article below:

in Jerusalem
  • The Guardian,

  • The European Union has dealt a harsh blow to the Israeli settlement enterprise in a directive that insists all future agreements between the EU and Israel must explicitly exclude Jewish colonies in the West Bank or East Jerusalem.

    The move, described by an Israeli official as an "earthquake", prompted furious criticism from the Israeli prime minister over "external diktats".

    But it was hailed by Palestinians and their supporters as a significant political and economic sanction against settlements.

    The EU guidelines will prohibit the issuing of grants, funding, prizes or scholarships unless a settlement exclusion clause is included. Israeli institutions and bodies situated across the pre-1967 Green Line – including the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel in 1967 and later annexed — will be automatically ineligible.

    In order to secure agreements with the EU in the future, the Israeli government will be required to concede in writing that settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are outside the state of Israel.

    The directive, part of the 2014-20 financial framework, covers all areas of co-operation between the EU and Israel, including economics, science, culture, sports and academia.

    In a broadcast statementon Tuesday evening , Binyamin Netanyahu said: "As prime minister of Israel, I will not allow the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who live in the West Bank, Golan Heights and our united capital Jerusalem to be harmed. We will not accept any external diktats about our borders. This matter will only be settled in direct negotiations between the parties."

    The move was seen in Israel as a penalty that could in future extend to settlement produce and goods destined for European markets. 

    The European Union would do well to remember God's Holy Word: 

    And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse.
    ~Genesis 12:3

    ~posted by courtesy/permission of Pastor Jeff Daly