Friday, October 31, 2014

Tutorial: How to Print Out our Postings to a Word Document (White Background)

Several times this month, we have had the sincere compliment given to us that our postings have been quite useful in teaching the Body of Christ.  We've had requests from various ministries and teachers that they would like to distribute our materials (which are ALWAYS free) and we are thrilled to be helping others.  

So here is a very easy method for you if you simply want to put the articles we write in a more simple format such as a Word Document with a white background.  

1)  Highlite the text with your mouse (by left clicking at starting point and dragging to stopping point) that you want pasted into a Word document.  
 2)  Right click the mouse to click on "Copy"
 3)  Open a blank Word document
 4)  Right click the mouse again within the blank Word document
 5)  A choice under "Paste" is "Paste Options"...choose the option (mine is #3 on the list) that says "Text only"

You will then have ONLY the text on the white background of a Word document.  Save your work and print it out.  

This will save you on the cost of ink when you print.  

The volunteers at National Day of Repentance hope this is helpful to you!!!

God Bless You! 

Freely you have received; freely give.
~Matthew 10:8

Monday, October 27, 2014

Will We Escape the Upcoming Tribulation?

Tribulation Amnesty?

Day of Repentance

"Well come on and let me know...Should I stay or should I go?"
~lyrics from "The Clash" (appropriately named)

Today we see more and more evil every day in the form of a "darkness covering the earth and a deep darkness the people." (Isaiah 60:2).  There's a core visceral sense that we are, indeed, entering "dark times."  Thus, there has been a marked increase on social media chatter regarding the various "Rapture" views.  Currently, two new movies (one released and one about to be released) further stoke this frenzy. This month, on October 3rd,  
"Left Behind:  The End Begins," starring Nicholas Cage opened in theaters around the nation.  The other is entitled:  "Final:  The Rapture"...soon to be released in November 2014.  

While I believe God often PURPOSEFULLY obscures Himself and His plans for His own higher reasons, we can still, nonetheless, turn to the Bible for a great deal of insight and clarification. 

What exactly is "tribulation" and where does it appear in the Bible?  Should we expect, teach and welcome the idea of NO end times tribulation for the "faithful?"  Let's go to the ultimate source...God's Holy Word.  

I typed the word "Tribulation" into Strong's Concordance.  Immediately, I knew this would be interesting.  There are 22 references in the Old and New Testament.  For those of us who study Bible Gematria (the incredible connection between numbers and God's Holy Word), we would instantly recognize #22 as meaning:  
"light, clarity." 

So, I humbly propose that God intends to give us some light and clarity today on this issue if we earnestly seek Him. 

In this world of "spin doctors," it is popular to just pluck the truths that we like and discard the other evidence in order to bolster our preconceived notions.  In order to avoid even the semblance of having this turn out skewed, I will briefly touch on ALL 22 verses.  You will see that NOT ONE SINGLE VERSE on tribulation confirms that we (the faithful Christian Church) will NOT be here to experience it.  I exhort and encourage you to take out your Bible for yourself and review all 22 verses again after you read this.  Buckle your seat-belt of Truth. 

One final clarification before we begin.  Tribulation is NOT Judgment.  Tribulation is what we encounter simply by living for Christ in a dark world that repudiates Him.  Judgment is God's sentencing on an evil world.  Please do not confuse the two.  If you love God and do your absolute best to serve Him; if you are truly repentant of sin and earnestly turn away from evil as a daily practice, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE GOD'S JUDGMENT.  The Bible is clear on this issue.  Believers will be caught up to be with the Lord before the Day of His Judgment, His Day of Wrath.    

For the "grace, grace, grace and more grace" will be judged if you don't TURN AWAY from your life of sin and REPENT.  None of us can presume to know whether, by the skin of their teeth, they will make it into heaven or not.  However, there is much scripture that does not appear to favor this position.  THIS is the time when the verse "Judge Not" is especially pertinent.  We can't prejudge those that profess the Lord Jesus Christ yet continue sinning.  We cannot claim to know "they are definitely going to hell."  That will be Christ's job as they stand before His Throne.  Let's just say, I don't want to be in that hot seat and neither should you. These people will have much explaining to do.  I fully confess that I am a fallible sinner, but with every fiber of my being, I choose not to be a presumptuous sinner.  If you want more explanation on this issue here's a link from

Let's begin.  First let's examine the meaning of the word "Tribulation" in both the Hebrew and Greek.  It means: narrow, tight, straits, distress, adversary, foe, enemy, oppressor, pressing together, affliction, distress, compressed, to press (as grapes), to press hard upon.  Now on to the 22 verses to enlighten us:  

1)  Deut 4:30 ~ Scripture says "When," not "if" describing God's people experiencing tribulation
2)  Judges 10:14 ~ God mocks unbelievers and says "go ask your gods for help" during tribulation which suggests that believers get help during tribulation.  
3)  1 Sam 26:24 ~ David asks for deliverance from tribulation by being merciful to another DURING tribulation.  Clearly the Jewish race has experienced much tribulation in history.
4)  Matt 13:21 ~ Tribulation will only be endured by those whose roots are deep, the shallow shall not endure.
5)  Math 24:21 ~ End Times tribulation will be so severe, that unless God cut that time short...NO ONE WOULD SURVIVE IT.  He specifically mentions "the Elect" of God.  If we believe the premise that we are not to experience any end times tribulation at all, why would God have to "cut it short" in order to give the Elect a break?
6)  Matt 24:29-30~ Jesus does not return until AFTER this Great Tribulation. 

Let's take a pause right here.  Here in the NIV version is the ENTIRE SCRIPTURE, what the Bible literally says.  To me it is "cut and dry," I cannot understand how anyone is reading this differently. 

For then there will be great distress  
, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-and never to be equaled again.  
If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect
 those days will be shortened. At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.  See, I have told you ahead of time.
~Matthew 24:21-25

"Immediately AFTER the distress (tribulation) of those days:

"'the sun will be darkened,              
    and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
    and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'

30 THEN will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And THEN all the peoples of the earth
(this has not happened yet--future event)

will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other

(Greek word "akron" meaning: from the uttermost parts of heaven AND earth-those both alive on the Earth and those previously dead in the faith).
~Matthew 24:29-31

Let's continue:

7)  Mark 13:24, 26 ~ In those days, after that TRIBULATION, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light...THEN they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
8)  John 16:33
~ God tells us to maintain our peace during tribulation, as He will ultimately overcome the world.
9)  Acts 14:22 
~ We MUST go through tribulation in order to enter into the Kingdom of God
10)  Romans 2:9 ~ Tribulation PLUS Anguish will be upon every soul that does evil.  First to the Jews and then to the Gentiles.  This suggests we are spared from ANGUISH alone if we repent now.
11)  Romans 5:3 ~ We GLORY in tribulation because it produces the Fruit of Patience.  WOW!  We never hear that preached anymore!
12) Romans 8:35 ~ No tribulation will ever separate us from the Love of Christ. 
(described as:  distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril and sword) 
13)  Romans 12:12 ~ During tribulation, be patient and continue in prayer. 
14)  2 Cor 1:4 ~ God comforts us in tribulation as we comfort others.
15)  2 Cor 7:4 ~ We are to be JOYFUL in tribulation. 
16)  1 Thess 3:4 ~ VERILY ~ WE SHALL SUFFER TRIBULATION.   ( way to spin this verse!)
17)  2 Thess 1:6
~ We endure tribulation, THEN God pays back (recompense) those that trouble us.

18)  Rev 1:9 ~ The Blessed brethren (Church) is our companion in tribulation.
19)  Rev 2:9 ~ Revelation Church of Smyrna is described as facing tribulation, which makes them spiritually rich (although they are monetarily poor).
20)  Rev 2:10 ~ For some of us, tribulation may include PRISON and POSSIBLY EVEN DEATH. 
21)  Rev 2:22 ~ GREAT Tribulation will afflict the adulterous Church.
22)  Rev 7:14 ~ Those who pass successfully through tribulation shall serve God and dwell with God in Heaven around His Throne.

So, to sum up, what does God's Holy Word say about tribulation?

As sincere Christians, tribulation should be expected, it will increase our faith, it will give us opportunities to exhort and comfort others, it will be experienced by all prior to His Second Coming, it is necessary for us to undergo, it will allow us to see our enemies receive recompense, it will increase the bonds of Unity for the Church, it will make us spiritually rich, and it will be the defining criteria of those serving God before His Throne.  

ALL TWENTY-TWO verses, say absolutely NOTHING about getting a Disney Rapture FastPass or a special Golden Rapture Ticket to Willy Wonka's Heavenly Chocolate Factory.  This is simply childish and immature thinking albeit not surprising based on the current "Christian-lite" preaching that wins the "tickle our ears" award of the last two millennia. 

Let me re-phrase this:  In essence, when we say we want or expect NO TRIBULATION, we are literally saying: 

We don't wish to grow up, we don't think there is any benefit to further purification, we don't wish to assist any others into the Kingdom, and we don't wish to offer comfort to the suffering. 


Finally, let's look what the Apostle Paul has to say on the matter of "staying" or "going." 

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.

Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your boasting in Christ Jesus will abound on account of me.

~Philippians 1: 20-26

We must go through tribulation so that we grow in Christ and, at the same time, be an example to non-believers so that many will come to repentance and enter His Kingdom.  Tribulation is not only inevitable but, with the purification of the Holy Spirit, a BLESSING, to grow towards Christ.

For to you it has been GRANTED on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake.
~Philippians 1:29

Tribulation is a precious gift, A SHARED EXPERIENCE, which causes us to love Him and each other all the more.  Those who depend on "cheap grace" instead of true repentance risk missing the fullness of Christ and His eternal rewards. 

Unlike Obama's "Dream Act," there is no easy "path to citizenship" in God's Kingdom.  The path is narrow, tight, difficult to pass through (likened to a camel passing through the eye of a needle).  Those who disregard God's Word, the Law-breakers who try to skirt the Law, will not receive amnesty--they will find the full weight of the Law coming down upon their heads.  If you think you can mock God, keep dreaming...

Their present life is only a dream that is gone when they awake.
~Psalm 73:20

But, those who patiently wait in line, acknowledging their need for faithful obedience, fulfilling all of the King's expectations and legal requirements; those who are zealous to repent and follow His path of purity...

They will become full-fledged citizens of God's New Kingdom.


"To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My Throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His Throne.  He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
~Revelation 3:21-22 (NKJV)

Most High God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Master of the Universe it is to You that we bow our knee.  You require us to be a holy people as You are Holy.  Open the eyes of Your Church to receive this timely and necessary instruction.  Stiffen our backbones as we "gird up" for the current spiritual battle.  Put a righteous desire upon our hearts to be salt and light to a dying world.  Thank you for being with each of us as we go through tribulation. Let us willingly embrace, and not shy away from, suffering and persecution as we follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  May we abide in You and seek Your covering.  Our flesh would like to have this cup pass from us, but as your ways are higher than our ways, help us to say:  "Not my will but Thine be done." 

God Bless You!,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance

We welcome comments, feedback and insights from all of our participants. Please send them via email to for consideration.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Renouncing Gough Whitlam's false legacy to Australia

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

While the following article focuses on one politician in one nation, it speaks to our need to repent for many politicians we've placed in office in all nations.

Today, Wednesday 22 October 2014, The Australian newspaper included an eight page lift-out dedicated to the legacy of former ALP Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, who died in Sydney early yesterday morning Tuesday 21 October 2014.

The front page of the lift-out has a huge portrait of Gough Whitlam, with a banner headline above it saying, “It’s Time, Comrade.” People of my generation will have not forgotten that the title Comrade was used openly between Communists and Marxists during the days of the Cold War. Vietnam veterans will remember that whilst we were in South Vietnam Gough Whitlam was cuddling up to the Communist governments of China and North Vietnam.

There are many different articles and comments by many left-leaning authors  in that lift-out, the vast majority of which falsely praise Mr Whitlam as a giant, an almost god-like figure who in his three years as Prime Minister changed this nation forever. I, for one, can never accept that assessment.  I support the view of Greg Sheridan, Foreign Editor for The Australian, whose brave article titled Busting decades of myths”appears on page 2 of that eight page lift-out. Early in his article he makes these statements:

But sentimentality, and the overwhelming power of the Labor myth-making machine, should not blind us to the central fact of Whitlam: he was the worst prime minister in our history.

This is true in economic policy, foreign policy and processes of government. After three years in office, he lost the 1975 election by the greatest electoral landslide in Australian political history.

That article by Greg Sheridan is well worth reading if you are searching for truth about Gough Whitlam’s time as our Prime Minister.

A further indication of that “Labor myth-making machine” technique is the use of occult terminology in the headline above an article by David Crowe and Troy Bramston, which reads Nation told to channel ALP leader’s ambition, optimism.

Back on 3 June 2014 I sent out to our network an email titled 70th Anniversary of D-Day – more points for repentance.  See link below:

D-Day Email Excerpt

Some of those points related to the sins of the Whitlam government, including the introduction of the no fault divorce law, the awful consequences of which are so manifest today throughout Australian society. To me it is clear that Gough Whitlam and his government were thrown out of office as a consequence of God’s precept of sowing and reaping. Attached is an extract of the appropriate portion of that email, which includes words about the “legalising of adultery” through that divorce law.

I have also attached the full Wikipedia record on Governor-General Sir John Kerr for those of you who want a better understanding of what took place before the removal of Gough Whitlam from the position of prime minister.

Click Here: Governor-General Sir John Kerr Wikipedia

In late 2013, at age 97, during a conversation with Troy Bramston ( a columnist in The Australian, a former speech writer for Kevin Rudd, and author of the book Looking for The Light on The Hill ) Gough Whitlam said “I’m aiming at 100.”  The word of God says “Man makes his plans, but God directs his steps.” God gave Gough Whitlam his last breath yesterday morning at 98 years of age.

As I have told you before I use the United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) daily devotion booklet The Word For Today, as do many other Christians throughout Australia. The Word for Today yesterday was Exodus 20: 14 – You shall not commit adultery. Barely a few minutes after I read that verse, I turned to my computer and on the ABC website there was the first notification of the death of Gough Whitlam. That daily devotion booklet was printed months ago, but God is the only One who knows the future. That was no coincidence.

On another issue Gough Whitlam is looked upon within ALP circles as the father of Australian Fabian Socialism. Please read the attachment titled The Fabian Socialist Window. Julia Gillard, who is also a Fabian Socialist, greatly admired Gough Whitlam’s fatherhood of that political cult. Bob Hawke and Paul Keating are also Fabian Socialists, as are Bill Shorten and some other members of the current Federal ALP Opposition. There is more information about Australian Fabian Socialism to be found on Google, should you so desire.  I have included a link below:

Fabian Socialism Link

I was slightly bemused to read that during the period of making condolence statements re Gough Whitlam in the Federal House of Representatives yesterday, the Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten, said :

“No one who lived through the Whitlam era will ever forget it – and perhaps nobody born after it can ever really imagine it.”

Bill Shorten was born on 12 May 1967, 3 months after Gough Whitlam became the leader of the federal ALP while in Opposition, and a week before I embarked on HMAS Sydney, bound for South Vietnam.  Bill Shorten was 5 years old when Gough Whitlam became prime minister, and 8 years old when Gough was sacked. I wondered how much Bill Shorten knew as a primary school student about Gough Whitlam?

On a much more serious note I believe the Lord is calling us as a network to read what this email contains, spend time bringing it before the Lord to:

1.       Stand in the gap for our nation and confess the sins of every member of the Federal Parliament involved in the approving of that no fault divorce law and all other unrighteous laws approved during the term of Gough Whitlam as prime minister 2 December 1972- 11 November 1975.

2.       Repent of any known unconfessed personal sin in our own lives as a result of conforming with any of those unrighteous laws approved in the time Gough Whitlam was prime minister 1972-1975.

3.       Having done 1. And 2. Above, we need to stand in the gap for our nation and renounce those unrighteous laws and  the false foundations laid down in this nation through them. We need to call on the Lord to uproot and remove the false foundations, institute new righteous laws, and lay a new righteous foundation.

4.       Call on the Lord to expose the full depth of the wickedness of Fabian Socialism in Australia, and uproot it from this nation.

With love in Christ Jesus,
Kris Schlyder
Australian Indigenous Prayer Network


~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration 

–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at

Prophetic Warning from one of our Members 10/24/2014

Son, My children must love Me, their Lord God with all of their heart. They must 
not be deceived and turn away from Me by worshiping and serving other so-called 
gods.  They must commit wholeheartedly to these words of Mine. They must teach 
them to their children. Talk about My word when they are at home and when they 
are on the road, when they are going to bed and when they are getting up. They 
must show their love to Me by walking in all My ways and holding tightly to Me. 
They must rememeber that I made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in 
them, and that I keep every promise I made.

Troubling times are coming their way and they must not be fearful but consider 
it an opportunity. For, I will bless those who patiently endure through these 
troubled times. They must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get 
angry. They must get rid of all the filth and evil in their lives, and humbly 
accept My word. My word has the power to save and encourage them. But the key to 
this power is - they must not just listen, or only read My word; they must do 
what it says. 
Today I am giving My children the choice between a blessing and a curse! They 
will be blessed if they are obedient. They will be cursed if they reject My word 
and turn away from Me and worship gods they have not known before. My children 
must not fall into the trap of following foreign religions and believing that My 
word is not applicable for today.  

Son, the end is almost here! The days of no more hope are almost upon those who 
reject Me. For, I am about to unleash My anger and call to account all of the 
detestable sins being commited today. Disaster after disaster is coming because 
the people's wickedness and pride have blossomed to full flower. None of these 
proud and wicked people will survive. All their wealth and prestige will be 
swept away. Not one person whose life is twisted by sin will ever recover. They 
will throw their money in the streets, tossing it out like worthless trash. 
Their silver and gold won't save them; it will neither satisfy or feed them. All 
this, because they think it is nothing to thumb their noses at Me. 

Lord, I will meditate on Your word; for I love Your promises and Your kingdom is 
an everlasting kingdom. I know in the days ahead that You will help me and my 
family. I know that You are close to us when we call on You in truth. I know 
that You hear our cries for help. Therefore, I will not fear. I will keep to 
Your bright path and walk with You all the way. 
~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration 
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:
or by emailing him at

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Proverbs 31 "Anti-Wife?"

Monday, October 13, 2014

France National Day of Repentance ~ November 7th, 2014

Dear Participants of The National Day of Repentance:

We are asking for your Intercessory Prayer assistance on November 7th, to pray for France.  French Christian leaders are calling for a National Day of Repentance in response to the social unrest throughout their country.

As France has moved off of it's Christian foundations towards a more secularized society, including areas that are controlled unofficially by Shariah law, anarchy and chaos has begun to reign.  There have been riots in Paris and Jews have begun to depart for fear of their personal safety.

There is perhaps no greater indicator of a country's decline than that of the Exodus of Jewish people. In history and in the Bible, this is an indicator that destruction and Judgment is IMMINENT.

So please join us in utilizing these prayer points as you intercede for France.

Prayer Points:

1)  Pray that the Holy Spirit of the Living God would be honored above all else, including above all the ways of the flesh.

2)  Pray that any blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be ended and that all prior blasphemy would be covered under the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and His unending Love.

3)  Pray that the Holy Spirit will no longer be quenched but instead will be released in all of France throughout the Body of Christ.

4)  Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a new love for Jesus as Lord, a new love for His Truth, for the Bible and for His Grace and Justice.

5)  Pray that the bold spirit of intercession, calling upon Christ for His miracles, evidenced by the prayers of Genevieve to protect Paris, would be renewed and unleashed powerfully throughout the Body of Christ in France.

6)  Pray that all blood shed among believers in Christ, including, but not limited to, those killed in the Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre will be forgiven by Christ.  Pray that all this blood shed will be supernaturally used by the Lord to rebuild His Body in France.

7) Pray that divisions among denominations in France will be healed and love among brothers and sisters in Christ would be powerfully released in new forms of cooperation, joint worship and fellowship in Jesus' Name.  We pray against any false unity of the brethren by the watering down of God's Holy Word.  

8)  Pray for a spirit of personal repentance and National Repentance for idolatry, for allowing the love of Christ to grow cold, for leaving their first love.

9)  Pray for a spirit of personal repentance and National Repentance for the spiritual adultery false religions including human secularism and socialism/marxism masquerading as social justice.  

10) Pray for the ongoing slaughter of innocent life through abortion to be stopped and the most vulnerable to be protected.

11) Pray for a deeper revelation of the Lord's love for Israel and His Chosen People and for removal of the AntiChrist spirit of Anti-Semitism against them.

12) Pray that through a growing National spirit of Repentance the Lord's unique destiny for France will be revealed and seen as an example of national spiritual cleansing to believers in other nations.

It's time for a true unity of the brethren with a fresh holy spirit of oneness.  Let all of France sing out with true  "Liberte, Egalite and Fraternite" that ONLY arises from a society that is securely anchored to the Rock solid Foundation of Jesus Christ and His Holy Word.


~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration 

–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Australia ~ March for the Babies ~ Melbourne ~ October 11th, 2014

Urgent prayer

12 hours of prayer – Fri 8pm – Sat 8am

This Saturday October 11 in Melbourne, Australia, is the annual March for the Babies  

Last year the March was attacked and disrupted by a radical, angry and hateful group of anarchists. It would be a shame for this to happen again this year. I am seeking your prayers.

Would you please commit to one of hour prayer, taking a one hour period between the hours of 8pm Friday to 8am Saturday.

I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning prompting this request. Let's pray and believe God for His supernatural intervention and abundant blessings poured out.

We need to pray.....
To bind the spirit of anarchy
That a revelation of God's love touches the hearts of those opposing the march
For peace and safety on all involved
That the message of "life" is clearly heard
As the Holy Spirit leads you
I am believing for every hour filled throughout the 24 hour period. Please join me.

I read this morning in the Psalms, from the Passion Translation, what I believe to be the key for a great victory. It is the "power of praise".

"You have built a stronghold by the songs of babies. Strength rises up with the chorus of singing children. This kind of praise has the power to shut satan’s mouth. Child- like worship will silence the madness of those who oppose You." Psalm 8:2

Please choose which hour of the night you will pray, and please register your choice by a return email.

NOTE: Our overseas friends if you pray in your time zone, many will be praying while we are marching 1pm - 4pm.

Thank you for praying and participating in what I believe will be a great victory in Jesus name.