Friday, November 21, 2014

Update from Israel: November 2014

   What will the Jewish people's acceptance of Yeshua result in but life from the dead?
                                                                                                                                                                                              (Romans 11:15)
If I forget you, O Jerusalem

The last few weeks have seen Islamist rioting and civil unrest break out like root fires on the seams between Jerusalem’s Jewish and Arab populations. Calls for violent opposition to Israeli rule on the part of Palestinian radicals have come from –
These calls to incitement have thrown liquid gasoline onto barely concealed local Islamic expressions of violence ( The same calls are being seditiously echoed by some Israeli citizens who are also Arab members of Knesset (
The instigators of this violence are the same people with whom the international community is pressuring Israel to negotiate with. Whether it be EU, UN or USA, these  irresponsible forces are advocating that Israel relinquish control over ancient Jewish Jerusalem and hand it over to Palestinian advocates of violence.
Immediate fallout
Over the past three weeks, rioting has erupted in –
·        the Mount of Olives (A-Tur and Ras al-Amud)
·        Mount Scopus (Issawiya)
·        the northern Jerusalem suburb of Shu’afat
·        the Kidron Valley suburbs of Wadi Joz and Silwan (of Pool of Siloam fame)
·        the southeastern Jerusalem ridge (Abu Tor and Jebel Muqaber).
Burning Molotov cocktails are being thrown daily at police forces, army patrols and civilian motorists. Deadly stone throwing occurs round the clock at cars and pedestrians, with special focus on the Jerusalem light rails train system which equally serves Jerusalem’s Arab and Jewish populations in north Jerusalem.
Attempted lynchings of Jews by Islamist youth rioters on the Mount of Olives and at the abovementioned flashpoints have aggravated an already extremely tense situation.
Over the past three weeks there have been three motorized terror attacks against Israelis with fatalities, and two knifes attack causing two fatalities (one at a Tel Aviv train station, the other at a hitch-hiking stop south of Jerusalem). The perpetrators were affiliated with Hamas or Islamic Jihad, and had spent time in Israeli prisons for previous terror activities. One had been recently released in the Hamas-Shalit prisoner exchange.
In each terror attack not only Jews were killed. A Druze Border Patrol officer in the Israeli Army, Jed’an Assad age 38, was killed leaving behind a pregnant wife and a three-year old son. A South American woman in the process of converting to Judaism was murdered in that attack as well.
When news of one of these terror attacks against Israelis circulated in the Palestinian communities, the Palestinian response was not shock but rather further violent attacks against Israeli police, IDF forces and Israeli civilians.
In a town just northeast of Nazareth an Arab teenager attacked a police manwith a knife, attempting to kill the police. He was shot and mortally injured, Arab riots ensued as a result.
Public reaction and media spin
A quiet and grim determination has settled on Jerusalem’s Jewish inhabitants. They have been through these scenarios before. Watchful eyes roam on the lookout for potential terror-cars. The amount of Jerusalem pedestrians using the light rail system has gone down. The tension near the Jewish-Arab seams is more palpable.
Arab media has unfortunately been crowing victory, pasting up terror cartoons which glowingly compare the car-terrorists to ISIS fighters, and advocating a jihad for Jerusalem by stabbing and running down Jewish residents of the City of the Great King (
The majority of media in the Jewish sector are fearfully asking if this unrest is the start of a third intifada – a third spate of terrorist violence and Islamist rioting. There is a defeatist slant on much reporting of the news rather than a clear-eyed appraisal of the nature of the enemy Israel needs to deal with decisively.
·        Pray for the God of Jacob to bring a blanket of quiet to Jerusalem, to guide security forces to thwart terror attacks, to preserve human life on all sides, and to give Israel’s leaders divine counter-strategies for dealing with jihadi plots
Historical patterns
During the British Palestine Mandate in the 1920’s through the 1940’s, the Arab leadership was actively involved with the Nazi High Command. Haj Amin al-Husseini was a personal friend of Himmler and Hitler, and he also fostered street riots against Jewish residents and British Mandate troops and police. His goals were twofold and very similar to Abbas’ and Hamas’ goals today –
·        to sap the strength, hope and resolve of the Jews returning to Zion
·        to weaken British willingness to support the restoration of the Jewish people to their homeland
The same strategies lurk behind Palestinian riots in our day. Unfortunately a chink has been found in Western armor, and Western powers are advocating Jewish compromise to Islamic Jihad, and pressing for political collapse in the face of Islamist irredentism.
Islamist anti-Semitic stereotypes
Western media are unwittingly following the Palestinian media campaign of stereotyping the Jewish return to Zion as a foreign incursion. Today world media is buying into the Islamist anti-Semitic stereotypes that paint the Jews as a satanic dajjal (Islamist equivalent of anti-Christ), while ignoring or justifying the murderous attacks on Israeli civilians.
The new Anti-Semitism
European media is particularly perverse in spinning its negative media descriptions of Israel. Since anti-Semitism is officially passé, anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. The same nasty language and malevolent intent is being published, but in the 21st century it is now being incorrectly labeled anti-Zionism. Thus has anti-Semitism changed its garment, but all the while its pustulent flesh remains virulently unchanged. The world consensus opposing Jewish resettlement of its own homeland and of Jerusalem its own capitol city, shows how advanced this spiritual disease is, and how deadly is the spiritual prognosis.
Eyeless in Jerusalem
The vast majority of Israel’s media is in the lap of PC leftist editors. The Prime Minister is routinely mocked and dishonored. Any independent media outlets are attacked, while recently a law is being attempted to be pushed through the Knesset which would silence the one pro-Netanyahu paper Israel Hayom (Israel Today).
Most editorial and media analysis of the riots declares that the fault is entirely Israel’s and that she should give up land and allow for the creation of a Palestinian state (to be ruled by Hamas in short thrift, of course). That would make Europe, the USA and the Arab world friendly to Israel again, it is believed.
As it was in the days of Ezekiel 16, so are some influential Israelis lusting after international acceptance – quite prepared to allow the Promised Land to be despoiled by those whom YHVH calls “My enemies” (Ezekiel 36:2-7; Psalm 83:2-8) as the price of admission to the international party. Truly, there are many who are eyeless in Jerusalem, and not only in Gaza (see Judges 16:21-30; Isaiah 56:10).
As some in Israel move from ‘post-Zionist’ to ‘anti-Zionist’, from settling the land to opposing settlement, we need to pray for a recovery of sight to the blind:
·        Pray that Messiah Yeshua will restore the pioneering spirit, the warrior spirit and the spirit of repentance, grace and supplications to the nation He has called to be His mighty army on earth (Zechariah 12:10; Ezekiel 37:9-14).
Rock-solid focus
As the nations are in turmoil, as super-powers slip quietly into the sea, as evil raises its green-tinged head across the face of God’s planet, we need to stay on target and remember some rock-solid truths that will serve us well in the coming days as guiding stars:
·        The finger of God is catalyzing and instigating the Jewish people’s return to their Promised Land (Jeremiah 30:10-17; 16:14-15)
·        The God of Jacob is in the process of bringing about the eclipsing of Islamism and the collapse of Islamist control in the Middle East, and especially in Zion (Zechariah 13:2)
·        YHVH is ardently determined to bring about the repentance and salvation of the nation of Israel (Isaiah 4:2-6; 62:1-9)
·        Through great trials God will bring about the resurrection and the victory of the Jewish people, both in the physical and the spiritual (Hosea 5:14-15; Isaiah 66:7-16; Isaiah 41:14-16)
·        God will bring about the total defeat of all the nations who will turn against the Jewish state, and will bring judgment on all the countries who press for the dividing of Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:2, 12; Joel 3:2, 9-17)
·        God will establish Jerusalem as the capitol city of His Messianic rule, and re-instate the Davidic dynasty as the Royal Family of His earthly kingdom (Isaiah 2:1-4; Jeremiah 3:17; 17:25; Jeremiah 33:19-26; Amos 9:11-12)
Rabbit trails
As the world’s focus zooms in on Jerusalem, we can be sure of two things – one, this is the Lord’s doing, and two, the enemy is trying to do whatever he can to distort the truth and to skew clear biblical emphases. Here are some minefields to avoid stepping on:
·        There is a move afoot to rebuild the Temple, to construct the Third Temple. Though the Scriptures speak positively about a Fourth Temple in Ezekiel 40-48 and in Isaiah 56:4-8, it also describes a prior temple of iniquity on the same spot which will be the stage for the manifestation of great evil (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15-31; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12; Revelation 11).
·        Some Evangelicals who are greatly excited about fulfilling prophecy, are advocating that Evangelicals support such efforts to rebuild. The logic here is similar to that of buying shares in “Antichrist Projects,” in order to help “move prophecy along.” We cannot afford to be “one big happy Temple family” on this decisive and portentous issue
·        There are some believers in Yeshua who are getting fogged about the need for Israel’s repentance and clear turning to Messiah Yeshua. But even if the Ark of the Covenant itself is to be found, it will not in itself bring Israel to repentance and salvation in Messiah Yeshua. For that, the outpouring of Zechariah 12:10 is absolutely essential.
The real and the counterfeit – How shall we then pray?
·        Pray for the revelation of Messiah Yeshua to Israel and to her leaders
·        Pray for the protection and victory of Jerusalem and her Jewish leaders
·        Pray for the soon return of Messiah Yeshua
Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do!
In Messiah Yeshua,
Avner Boskey
Donations can be sent to:
BOX 121971 NASHVILLE TN 37212-1971 USA
Donations can also be made on-line (by PayPal) through:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Obama closer to his goal: Making 100% of Americans Baby Murder Accomplices

November 20, 2014 - Thursday

The (Trans)parent Trap

If the President didn’t have anything to hide on abortion funding, he’s had plenty of time to prove it! Instead, organizations like FRC have been left to deliver the disclosure that the administration won’t. For all the cover-ups of this White House (and there are plenty!), the biggest may be the details of the federal health care exchange.
After four years of denying the law covers abortion-on-demand, the General Accounting Office (GAO) finally blew the lid off the ObamaCare lie and confirmed what groups like FRC have said all along: that Americans are footing the bill for the largest expansion of taxpayer-funded abortion in history. And making matters worse, the entire administration refuses to admit it. Remember “we have to pass ObamaCare to find out what’s in it?” Well, now, “you have to buy it to find out what’s in it.”
To keep consumers in the dark about their plans, the government blocked companies from explaining the abortion surcharges up front. In other words, most Americans shopping for a plan have had to wait until they get their statement of benefits to know if their policy violates their beliefs -- and even then, they might not know how much the abortion surcharge is! And under this year’s rollout, the problem is skyrocketing. “2015 appears to be shaping up to include more abortion plans and companies switching policies to cover abortion on demand,” our report found.
The good news is that pro-lifers have options. The bad news is that they didn’t know what those options are -- until today. Together with the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), FRC is flipping on the flood lights onto the ObamaCare exchange and launching a special website dedicated to telling you what the Obama administration won’t: which state abortion plans include abortion. This afternoon, FRC joined our friends at CLI and Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.), lead sponsor of “The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act” in the House Triangle to expose the President’s hypocrisy.
If there’s one thing we know about “the most honest and open administration in history,” it’s that this White House has their own definition of transparency. Fortunately for voters, Congressman Smith doesn’t share it. “The Obama administration’s cover-up of abortion insurance plans on the exchange is unnecessary, unacceptable and absolutely unconscionable,” said Rep. Smith. “Consumers have a right to know. Abortion is not healthcare -- it dismembers and chemically poisons defenseless unborn children and hurts women.”
FRC’s Arina Grossu agreed. “People who sign up for plans with abortion on demand are paying for other people’s abortions under that plan through an abortion surcharge. Everyone -- and I mean everyone -- in all 50 states is being forced to subsidize others’ abortions through their taxpayer funds to the beat of $855 billion in the next 10 years. So much for no taxpayer funding of abortion.”
At, users can search through insurance carriers to find out which ones cover abortion on demand and which don’t. And while the site isn’t yet exhaustive, the platform is a significant step forward for Americans who want to fill in the blanks on their policy benefits before they commit to them. Of course, the irony is that the kick-off to this new tool coincides with the release of videos in which the ObamaCare brain trust, Jonathan Gruber, credits the “lack of transparency” for the law’s passage.
Thanks to this website, the White House won’t have the luxury of fooling Americans much longer. As House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) reiterated, this is just another in a long line of whoppers sold to voters by a desperate White House. “President Obama said taxpayers wouldn’t be forced to pay for abortions in #ObamaCare. That wasn’t true.” Check out the site today and make sure you’re informed before you’re insured!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Support Family Research Council: Brethren at the Front Battle Lines!

Stand with FRC in support of religious freedom.

If you believe Christianity can transform lives, and that biblical values bless Americans,

And, if you believe that Christianity is so valuable it should be defended rather than stamped out . . . 

What’s the urgency?
Recently, an influential New York Times reporter, Josh Barro, wrote this about those like you and me
who oppose the pro-homosexual agenda, and the forcing of same-sex “marriage” on America. In his own
words . . . “we need to stamp them out, ruthlessly.”

Stamp you out. “Ruthlessly.” Yes, he’s writing about you. Your family. Your fellow church members. 
Your pastor. Your favorite ministries.

When confronted, he claimed that he was “not saying we should kill people.” Okay, but what does
“stamp them out, ruthlessly,” mean? At best, it means drive you out of your job, take away your rights,
and suppress any ability to live out the expression of your beliefs.

Did The New York Times make Mr. Barro apologize? No. Discipline him? No. Did President Obama
admonish The New York Times to be respectful to fellow citizens? No.

And that’s why I’m writing you today.

If anyone is going to stand up for Christ, for His Word, and for the freedom of His people to bless
America with biblical truth . . . it will be you and fellow believers who are the only ones who will. Powerful
institutions like The New York Times, the White House, the IRS, the ACLU, and others are on the other side
and agree with Josh Barro!
For that reason, I’m asking you to please answer Mr. Barro by sending a donation to help Family Research Councileffectively, powerfully counter the growing attempts by the elite media, government officials, and organizations to make the open expression of Christianity unacceptable and penalize it in America. FRC 
aggressively defends your freedom of religion in the halls of power.

FRC is challenging The New York Times to apologize and suggest Mr. Barro attend “sensitivity training”
—we’d recommend his going to four services at a church of FRC’s choice that believes the Bible is God’s
inerrant Word, and which holds to a biblical view of marriage. We’d also like him to volunteer for community
service with a ministry like that of our friend, Franklin Graham of Samaritan’s Purse, which impacts lives with compassion.

Let Mr. Barro see and meet the families he wants to see “stamped out, ruthlessly.” Let him hear and
experience the love of Jesus Christ, who died for his sins as well as yours and mine, and decide if he
still wants us stamped out.

And let The New York Times and others understand that Christians like you and me aren’t going to just
sit quietly while they deprive Americans of the only true hope for their lives and the only source for moral order in our society.

Yes, Jesus said we must “turn the other cheek” when insulted. So we’re not advocating “stamping out” 
Mr. Barro, and we won’t insult him back. But Jesus also said we are to oppose those who “shut up the
kingdom of heaven” to others through spreading false beliefs (Matthew 23:13), and to not let our good
be evil spoken of (Romans 14:16).

We have a responsibility to stand against those whose policies would harm families and keep children
from hearing the gospel—forcing them to hear damaging falsehoods such as the “gospel” of same-sex

And beyond that, please understand that such hateful rhetoric by those like Mr. Barro can indeed cost 
the lives of fellow Christians . . . right here in America.

I know this because my FRC colleagues and I were targets of an assassin. One staff member was 
actually shot by a homosexual activist who volunteered at a local LGBT cultural center.

On August 15, 2012, Floyd Corkins walked into FRC’s Washington offices and opened fire. His intent
was to kill as many FRC employees as he could. And he had the ammunition to murder or maim dozens.
But thanks to divine intervention, and the quick actions and bravery of the unarmed Leo Johnson, who
took a bullet as he subdued Mr. Corkins, no one else was hurt.

What instigated this unprovoked attack? The website of the wealthy liberal organization misnamed the
Southern Poverty Law Center. You see FRC was targeted on the SPLC “hate map” for its stand against
same-sex “marriage.”

This type of animosity is right out of communist agitator, Saul Alinsky’s, Rules for Radicals. By dehumanizing
Christians, they can be more easily marginalized and persecuted. We have seen this tactic at work throughout 
history in totalitarian takeovers. And we are seeing it employed here today.

Christians are persona non grata in the new “sexually liberated” America.
Don’t believe it? Just look at what happened to these individuals simply for upholding natural marriage.
  • Broadcaster Craig James was fired by Fox Sports. (Today he is on the staff of FRC.)
  • Phil Robertson was booted off Duck Dynasty. (But the public outcry forced the show producers to bring him back.)
  • The Benham Brothers had their HGTV show canceled. (Today they’re a major force in the pro-life movement.)
But not all of those who stand up for their faith are so fortunate. Servicemen and women have had their
careers ruined . . . business owners have been forced to close their doors . . . college students have been 
given poor grades by professors . . . schoolteachers have been censored . . . and newspaper editors have 
been fired—all for refusing to deny biblical truth and affirm same-sex “marriage.”

But what makes the current climate in America today even more troubling is that the persecution of
Christians is now an all-but-official policy of the Obama administration.

Until the Supreme Court weighed in, the HHS mandate in ObamaCare would have forced businesses
owned by Christians to provide health care plans that covered contraceptives and drugs that can induce

Christian chaplains in the military are sometimes prohibited from praying in the name of Jesus and crosses
have been taken down in military chapels.

Sex reassignment surgery is now covered by Medicare.

The Justice Department is pressuring states to legalize same-sex “marriage.”

Government contractors must now accommodate all forms of homosexuality and gender identity in the
workplace.  No objections on religious grounds will be tolerated.

You’d expect such official animus against the Christian faith in Putin’s Russia or in Iran, but not in America.

But I must warn you . . .
We really are in grave danger of losing religious liberty if we do not defend it!

It would certainly be tragic to have the constitutional right to freely live our faith taken away by the brute
force of government. But what would be even worse is if we freely surrendered our First Amendment
rights—freedom of religion and freedom of speech—because reporters like Josh Barro intimidate us.

That’s why FRC is making the defense of religious liberty its top priority in the months ahead.

FRC has increasingly become the “go-to” organization when Christians are attacked for their faith

For example, the Benham brothers turned to FRC when they were banned from HGTV. David Benham stated
that, “one of the very first calls we made was to Family Research Council. We had folks from FRC constantly
emailing and texting us, encouraging us to not back down, to stand strong.”

Through Washington Watch, our nationally syndicated radio program, our online newsroom, and expert analysis
of the pressing issues of the day, FRC has become a widely respected alternative source of information and

Most importantly, FRC’s team of experts exert major influence in U.S. government. We are on Capitol Hill
every day. Members of Congress and other government agencies turn to FRC for timely, accurate research and support.No other organization does more at the state and federal level to further the cause of faith, family and freedom.

And when it comes to the Christian response to the Josh Barro attacks, FRC will, with your help, take the lead
here too. 

So . . .
your family, your church and favorite Christian ministry—against those like The New York Times, the ACLU,
the Obama administration, and others who are taking actions to “stamp out” Christian influence and freedom.

Please let me hear from you today. If you and I don’t stand up to sustain biblical truth and Christian influence in America, who will? Not The New York Times or President Obama. It’s up to us . . . and by God’s grace, we can and
will be victorious!

May God bless you for standing up when it counts.
Standing (Ephesians 6:13),

Tony Perkins
P.S. P.S. Those on the receiving end of religious persecution rely on FRC when they don’t know where to
turn. No other organization has the unique visibility and expertise of Family Research Council. When you