Sunday, July 20, 2014

Message for New Zealand and Australia 7-20-14

Ko rite te wa mo te hauhaketanga
The time has come for harvest
The Word of the Lord again resounds to the cry
by the saints for Aotearoa NZ
Ko rite te wa mo te hauhaketanga
 The time has come for Harvest

I am calling the Nation, my people, to prepare for the harvest.

The wrestling match has begun, the final round is about to commence, principalities and     powers must bow down, for the enemy of your souls has fought back against the   advancement of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness but he has not prevailed against the authority of the Lamb of    God and those that follow the Lamb; for the breath of the Almighty, the very breath of God will revive the bruised reed and the smoking flax.

Nations shall bow down before Me; My called, chosen and faithful   laborers are prepared and being made ready, the fields are white for harvest, kings and authorities in the earth shall bend their knee to My name and the people of the Nations shall sing and offer praises to the God of their salvation, they shall sing for joy, for the Nations shall praise Me in all the earth as the life giving     breath of the Almighty like a mighty rushing wind   shall revive the people.

The weary shall find rest and protection in the gentleness of My power, even the  elderly will be refreshed and new life shall spring up and they shall  run once again with a renewed joy  and purpose their hope realized due to their enduring patience they shall rejoice at harvest time for they  shall again mount up like the eagle, as the power of   My spirit shall rest upon them, Fathers will take up their rightful place as head of the family and their   hearts will be turned to the children and the children's hearts  to the Fathers, men in multitudes  shall come singing and dancing as David danced advancing the kingdom, slaying the giants.

Many    shall stand  in awe  of the acts of the mighty men   and their works of faith, the youth will become bold  and  do exploits, the spirit  of prophecy and revelation of   the harvest of Nations shall empower them to move  in the miraculous and  they shall leave everything forsaking all that the world offers and run to the Nations, to reap, sew and gather with signs following the ministry in the power of My Word , the whaka to the nations is about to be launched once again carrying the good news of the Kingdom.

 The time has come, the season of harvest is here, young and old with passion ignited will move like flocks of geese that migrate in perfect unity in season and purpose, flock upon flock each echoing the call attracting many more to join them as the vision is fulfilled, called and sent, their destiny complete, the islands of the seas will rejoice and the Nations of the earth shall sing praises. For the "earth shall shake" and the people of the earth shall know there is a God in heaven who watches over the affairs of men.

Healing shall flow like a mighty river, many in the valley of decision will come to a life giving encounter confessing Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour and Lord, many backsliders will renew their fellowship with the God of their salvation, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Sons and daughters and the prodigals will return back to their Fathers house and totally dedicate their lives for the purposes of the Kingdom.

Deborah's Army shall be released throughout the earth moving and advancing the Kingdom growing and expanding, conquering and ministering My blessing. My army of many battalions shall go forth to battle bringing victory upon victory  and extending My Kingdom while destroying the controlling power of the prince and power of the air over My harvest fields,  the hosts of heaven will unite with the victory of the saints as the power of My Kingdom comes on the earth.

The time is short the harvest is ready. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest to thrust out laborers into His harvest fields for the return of the Lord draws nigh.  [Luke 10: -3, Mark 16:15-20]

Psalm 67: 3-5
3 O Let the people praise thee, O God, let all the people praise thee.
4 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy:  for thou shalt judge the nations righteously, and govern the nations upon the earth. Selah

5 Let the people praise thee, O God, let all the people praise thee.

[All prophecy is to be tested according to God's Word and   may His Word prevail to His Glory and Honor and His name exalted in all the earth]

Pastor Warren Lyons (Itinerant)
Call To Prayer Ministries International 
24hr International House of Prayer  

Lion of Judah Fellowship International

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