What most people don't understand is this...What happens in Jerusalem doesn't stay in Jerusalem.
It affects the entire world.
Second spiritual reality: What happens on Earth is merely a "shadow-picture" of what is happening in the heavenlies. We are so entrenched in our "ME" culture that we can't fathom that there is another whole world in operation that supersedes our selfish limited view and existence.
WALLS and FENCES in the Bible have deep spiritual significance. When we tear down our country through National Abominations (FOUR NATIONAL SINS), we "breach our walls." This breaching will be shown in the natural world (such as the current immigration crisis on the Southern border of the United States) and in the spiritual world, as every demonic influence rushes in like a breaking dam. Thus, we are experiencing a rapid decline in our nation. It almost feels like sea water rushing in to drown us.
Let's go the the Bible, the ultimate source of all information.
I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.
~Ezekiel 22:30
Christians in every country need to STAND IN THE GAP on behalf of their fellow countrymen and their country to try to STEM THE TIDE of unrighteousness. If God doesn't find us standing there...His Holiness and Justice requires Him to judge the nation. Jesus Christ/Yeshua is the perfect example of God's requirement of "standing in the gap." We deserve punishment, but God sent Yeshua to stand before him to stem the tide of His Wrath.
So what are these FOUR NATIONAL SINS? Here they are once again. Cut them out. Post them on your wall. Put them in your Bible. Get on your knees and pray against them.
1) Slaughter of Innocents: The most obvious example is the abominable abortion industry. However, there is always a proliferation of other evil if one type of evil is allowed to go unchecked. Just like in Nazi Germany, the Nazis may have started out "euthanizing" the severely mentally ill. They ended by killing masses of people because of their ethnicity. Today, we see the spread of this PRO-DEATH culture through increased demand for euthanasia of the elderly, mentally ill, depressed, critically ill and even children who "opt out" (how are they even able to do this without adults pressuring them?) in Belgium. Other less striking examples are found in the recent VA hospital scandal in the United States. We allow our innocent veterans to die waiting for care.
2) Sanctification of Perversions: Of course, the most obvious example is gay marriage. However, this list will go on and on once we open the door to these demons. We are beginning to see increased acceptance of polygamy, polyamory (a group of people getting "married"), pedophilia, and an overall destruction of the Holy institution of marriage as marriage is not only "redefined" but destroyed. The absolute best explanation of this culture killer can be found in Bill Muehlenberg's new book: "Strained Relations." I highly recommend you get educated quickly. Your eyeballs will explode when you see the true agenda of the Militant Gay Agenda. Here is a link to Amazon Books:
Strained Relations
3) Removal and/or Replacement of God: Somewhere, somehow, we got the ridiculous notion that taking God out of our schools and public square would result in a more "free" society. I'm not sure where this pernicious thought took root, but it is unutterably false. A total lie that will ultimately destroy our Country. ALL THOUGHTS and ALL "gods" are not equal. Just as all cultures are not equal. Look no further than decimated countries throughout the Mideast and even a human secularist atheist would have to grudgingly admit that he/she would not want to live there. So while enjoying all the benefits of our Judeo-Christian based culture, they ignorantly presume they can throw the baby out with the bath-water. Not only will this demonic thought collapse the entire system, but we will end up SEVEN TIMES MORE WICKED than before. Here's the scripture:
Return of an Unclean Spirit
43 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless (NO LIVING WATER--NO SCRIPTURE) places seeking rest, but finds none. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order (Supposed "SANITIZATION" OF GOD FROM THE PUBLIC SQUARE). 45 Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.”
~Matthew 12: 43-45
4) Opposition to the Throne of David: Even a casual observer can see that there is an irrational hatred of Jews throughout history. Does anyone ever stop and ask WHY? At the core root of Jewish Anti-Semitism is rebellion against God Almighty. Rebellious mankind HATES the Supreme Judge who rules over his human wayward will. Israel/Jerusalem is a SYMBOL of God's Judgment as it is the ultimate and eventual Judgment Throne of God Almighty. In essence, Anti-Semitism is GOD HATRED. Today in America we are having "wall breach" problems. See the news articles below:
In 2003, The Bush administration pressured Israel by threatening to reduce loan guarantees in order to discourage construction of their protective fence. As we know, Israel went ahead anyway to protect themselves against constant terrorist attacks. Incidents of terrorism dropped by over 90% after the fence was built.
So...let's get back to minding our own business. We need to restore our walls both physically and spiritually. If not, we may just find ourselves washed away by the incoming onslaught.
PRAYER: Holy God in heaven, we come to you on bended knee, and we ask forgiveness that we, as nation, worked to discourage Israel from securing its own border with a security fence one decade ago; and that we worked other nations from supporting that effort, too. Father, what goes around . . . comes around. We see Your Hand of justice as we gaze upon the disaster now facing our own people on our Southern Border. We repent, we ask for mercy, and we again ask for forgiveness, for we did not know what we were doing. Thank you, Abba, for hearing our prayer, and for healing our land, amen.
- "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you . . ."
(Gen. 12:3)
~Posted with permission by Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website: www.dayofrepentance.org
or by emailing him at