Sunday, July 6, 2014

Simple Wisdom from an Old American Missionary

~This is a perspective that we must consider if America refuses to repent.  God is Merciful and Long-suffering, but he cannot ignore the cries of innocent blood and the flagrant mocking of His Law.  REPENT...the time is drawing near.

Hi sister:

       While I agree with what you, and others, are saying about the steady deteriorating condition of our once great and beloved country, let me take a moment and put my insight into the controversy. First of all, let me say that I am as patriotic as anyone in America. I am a two tour Vietnam wounded combat veteran. My service record reveals that I was in 17 separate battles in Vietnam. I volunteered both tours. But let me go on to say that I am fighting a different war now, under the command of a far different general than an earthly general. I am now fighting under the banner of Jesus who is called Christ, and this battle that is raging around myself, and all of us is much more intense than anything I ever experienced in Vietnam. At the most fierce fighting of the Vietnam war, we were suffering 300 people a day killed in action. In the battle that myself, and you, and a host of others are engaged in now, there are more than 4,000 being killed a day, (abortion). The Sodomites have taken control of nearly every segment of our society, even the churches. The strong family unit of a few short years ago is a very rare thing to find. It is bad sister. But I want to point out something that obviously most of the soldiers in Gods great army is missing. Number one, Obama is not in charge of the most powerful nation in the history of the world because the people of this land put him there. Quite the contrary, God Almighty himself put Barack Obama in that office, God sets kings up, and he puts kings down. and he put him there as an act of judgment on this wicked reprobate nation. When Christians get involved In a movement to try to change what is happening in this world, they are fighting against God himself. Instead of trying to change the system, everyone of Gods people should be in one mind and one accord praying for God to destroy the whole mess. If God delays his judgment for one more day, all that means is that 4,000 more babies are going to be murdered just here in this country alone. It will mean that all of Americas children will have their minds programmed a little bit more toward the Sodomite life style by the public school system. The system is not going to be changed by a united effort of godly people however noble their reasons might be for giving it a try. We need to get our eyes, and our thoughts off this lost cause, separate ourselves totally from it, and put forth a united effort of rescuing as many as we can from this sinking ship in the very little time we have left. It is not going to get any better dear sister, and people are merely wasting their time trying. Judgment is here.  I will see all of you good folks very soon in the New Jerusalem. 



Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
~Galatians 6:7

The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground.
~Genesis 4:10