Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Scrolls of the Nations: Prophecy for Australia & New Zealand


On Wednesday April 28 2010, during the worship at our weekly Catch the Fire prayer meeting, I was taken to a courtroom in Heaven.  I saw many scrolls on desks and activity that looked like they were being prepared for a court case.  I asked what they were and was told they were the scrolls of the nations that were being prepared.

I saw a scroll with a map of Australia and the Lord said:
I have given you great wealth.  I have destined you for prosperity.  I have given you wealth in your seas.  I have given you wealth in your soils.  I have given you wealth in your people.

But I am soon going to make you accountable for the great gifts I have given you.  Those to whom much is given, much will be required (Lk12:48).  You have been given 10 talents’ worth and I expect a 10 talent increase (Matt 25:14-30, Lk 19:11-27).  Wealth is not given to keep for yourself or to use it to extort the poor, but to let it flow to those in need, so they can share in My blessings and be raised up a strong and mighty army, like David’s army that arose from the poor and outcasts.

I desire to give you the wealth of other nations that have squandered the talents I have given them by worshipping idols made by the hands of man or the vain imaginings of their perverted minds.

Examine yourselves and clean up the vile acts in My temple (ref Ezek 8), so My temple is pure and holy and you are a vessel that I can use in these times.  I will bring many nations to your doorstep.  I am already doing this.  Arise Australia and stand up for My righteousness for you have not been called the ‘South Land of the Holy Spirit’ in vain*.  This is My plan and I desire to use you in this way in the days that remain before My coming.

As you see the angel of judgement pass over the nations, apply the blood of Jesus to the doorposts of your nation and he will pass over (Ex 12)because you have not withheld your sons at the dawn of your nationhood, but have volunteered them to open the doors for the return of My chosen people**.  As you have ushered in My purposes for Israel, your name has been written in My Book of Life as a nation.

Your sister New Zealand has also been set apart and I desire for you to work together for My end-time purposes.  Join hands together again and set your nets for those I will send your way.

It is time for proud nations to be humbled and humble nations to be exalted.  Do not let your heart become arrogant or I cannot use you.