The 10 Commandments that God gave Moses are for all people. They were once honored in America, but are now dishonored. The 10th Commandment: "You shall not covet what your neighbor has," establishes our responsibility and right accountability to each other. Who is our neighbor? Your neighbor is all those around you, your wife/husband/children, your parents and grandparents, the family next door to you in your neighborhood, the nation next door to the nation you live in, the person in the car next to you as you are driving down the road, the stranger on the sidewalk or street that is in trouble, the person you sit next to in the office, etc. We should look on and after our neighbors for their good, instead of ignoring them, or envying what they have, or shaming them for what they don't have.
The Lord gave us the gift of hospitality; that of opening our hearts and homes to our neighbors. Has not Jesus done this for us; opened His heart and home to us? So, we should allow the Lord to use our homes the way He wants - for His good purpose and glory. America has lost this 'brotherly kindness' that our fore-fathers sacrificed for, even their own lives.
Most of us don't even think of inviting our neighbors over to our home for dinner or coffee with the hope of sharing the Gospel with them. We should not keep to ourselves at home, but open our hearts and homes to our neighbors, making sure they have heard the Gospel. People need to see what Christians do at home with their families, but maybe that's the hang-up. We are not proud of what we do at home with our family, or what we do when no one is looking. Judgment from God must first come to His own people.
Most Christians hardly know their neighbors, or even want to know them. The Lord has put us where we are for a very good reason; to be His light and blessing to our neighbors; to honor those who should be honored, and to defend those who are weak and defenseless when unjustly threatened. We are living in a nation of freedom and prosperity so that we can use that for the good, not for evil as we have been doing as an adulterous and idolatrous nation, and even as a self-centered church.
Our brother is not just our blood-brother, but our brethren by the blood of Christ. Brotherly kindness is what our world is lacking more and more - as we become more and more fearful of what is happening in the world. Our brotherly kindness is what people are looking for in Christianity. We most certainly are our brother's keeper!
We need to bring the honor back for God's holy foundations, traditions, laws, leaders, families, and especially for God's people. For God requires that we be holy in all things, just as He is holy.
Where's the honor being upheld for America's foundation that our forefathers established? These forefathers of ours even laid down their lives for each other, for their families and neighbors, and for us. Jesus called this the greatest love of all. (John 15:13) We need to ready and prepared for the persecution that Jesus warned us about. It will not only purify us, but make us wise and strong in His power and purpose.
Our LEADER, Jesus Christ, personally knew what would come out of His perfect obedience: REPENTANCE, one by one! FREEDOM, one by one! OBEDIENCE, one by one! A KINGDOM, one by one!
Dear Father, fully capture our hearts! We ask that church leaders in America and throughout the world be 100% sold out for Christ's purpose; that they call their people to repentance and to be united with continual prayer; that by Your Holy Spirit You would bring us all into 'agreement' as we pray; that our prayers have power in furthering the Gospel of Your everlasting Kingdom. We ask You to strengthen and empower our Christian government leaders to boldly stand up for righteousness and to call all citizens to acknowledge You with humble repentance. Father, help Your children to have cleansed and clear consciences with You and with each other, so that we can conduct ourselves in holiness at home with our families, in sincerity with our neighbors and in all of our work; that we bring You the glory due Your Name. Holy Spirit, keep us continually reminded of what Jesus said to us about our own crosses to bear, and of His coming Kingdom; that we be prepared and made ready for Him.
Continue in prayer using the 4 prayer points as the Lord leads you.