Dear Participants of The National Day of Repentance:
We are asking for your Intercessory Prayer assistance on November 7th, to pray for France. French Christian leaders are calling for a National Day of Repentance in response to the social unrest throughout their country.
As France has moved off of it's Christian foundations towards a more secularized society, including areas that are controlled unofficially by Shariah law, anarchy and chaos has begun to reign. There have been riots in Paris and Jews have begun to depart for fear of their personal safety.
There is perhaps no greater indicator of a country's decline than that of the Exodus of Jewish people. In history and in the Bible, this is an indicator that destruction and Judgment is IMMINENT.
So please join us in utilizing these prayer points as you intercede for France.
Prayer Points:
1) Pray that the Holy Spirit of the Living God would be honored above all else, including above all the ways of the flesh.
2) Pray that any blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be ended and that all prior blasphemy would be covered under the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and His unending Love.
3) Pray that the Holy Spirit will no longer be quenched but instead will be released in all of France throughout the Body of Christ.
4) Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a new love for Jesus as Lord, a new love for His Truth, for the Bible and for His Grace and Justice.
5) Pray that the bold spirit of intercession, calling upon Christ for His miracles, evidenced by the prayers of Genevieve to protect Paris, would be renewed and unleashed powerfully throughout the Body of Christ in France.
6) Pray that all blood shed among believers in Christ, including, but not limited to, those killed in the Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre will be forgiven by Christ. Pray that all this blood shed will be supernaturally used by the Lord to rebuild His Body in France.
7) Pray that divisions among denominations in France will be healed and love among brothers and sisters in Christ would be powerfully released in new forms of cooperation, joint worship and fellowship in Jesus' Name. We pray against any false unity of the brethren by the watering down of God's Holy Word.
8) Pray for a spirit of personal repentance and National Repentance for idolatry, for allowing the love of Christ to grow cold, for leaving their first love.
9) Pray for a spirit of personal repentance and National Repentance for the spiritual adultery false religions including human secularism and socialism/marxism masquerading as social justice.
10) Pray for the ongoing slaughter of innocent life through abortion to be stopped and the most vulnerable to be protected.
11) Pray for a deeper revelation of the Lord's love for Israel and His Chosen People and for removal of the AntiChrist spirit of Anti-Semitism against them.
12) Pray that through a growing National spirit of Repentance the Lord's unique destiny for France will be revealed and seen as an example of national spiritual cleansing to believers in other nations.
It's time for a true unity of the brethren with a fresh holy spirit of oneness. Let all of France sing out with true "Liberte, Egalite and Fraternite" that ONLY arises from a society that is securely anchored to the Rock solid Foundation of Jesus Christ and His Holy Word.
~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly
Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:
or by emailing him at