Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
While the following article focuses on one politician in one nation, it speaks to our need to repent for many politicians we've placed in office in all nations.
While the following article focuses on one politician in one nation, it speaks to our need to repent for many politicians we've placed in office in all nations.
Today, Wednesday 22 October 2014, The Australian newspaper included an eight page lift-out dedicated to the legacy of former ALP Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, who died in Sydney early yesterday morning Tuesday 21 October 2014.
The front page of the lift-out has a huge portrait of Gough Whitlam, with a banner headline above it saying, “It’s Time, Comrade.” People of my generation will have not forgotten that the title Comrade was used openly between Communists and Marxists during the days of the Cold War. Vietnam veterans will remember that whilst we were in South Vietnam Gough Whitlam was cuddling up to the Communist governments of China and North Vietnam.
There are many different articles and comments by many left-leaning authors in that lift-out, the vast majority of which falsely praise Mr Whitlam as a giant, an almost god-like figure who in his three years as Prime Minister changed this nation forever. I, for one, can never accept that assessment. I support the view of Greg Sheridan, Foreign Editor for The Australian, whose brave article titled “Busting decades of myths”appears on page 2 of that eight page lift-out. Early in his article he makes these statements:
But sentimentality, and the overwhelming power of the Labor myth-making machine, should not blind us to the central fact of Whitlam: he was the worst prime minister in our history.
This is true in economic policy, foreign policy and processes of government. After three years in office, he lost the 1975 election by the greatest electoral landslide in Australian political history.
That article by Greg Sheridan is well worth reading if you are searching for truth about Gough Whitlam’s time as our Prime Minister.
A further indication of that “Labor myth-making machine” technique is the use of occult terminology in the headline above an article by David Crowe and Troy Bramston, which reads Nation told to channel ALP leader’s ambition, optimism.
Back on 3 June 2014 I sent out to our network an email titled 70th Anniversary of D-Day – more points for repentance. See link below:
D-Day Email Excerpt
Some of those points related to the sins of the Whitlam government, including the introduction of the no fault divorce law, the awful consequences of which are so manifest today throughout Australian society. To me it is clear that Gough Whitlam and his government were thrown out of office as a consequence of God’s precept of sowing and reaping. Attached is an extract of the appropriate portion of that email, which includes words about the “legalising of adultery” through that divorce law.
D-Day Email Excerpt
Some of those points related to the sins of the Whitlam government, including the introduction of the no fault divorce law, the awful consequences of which are so manifest today throughout Australian society. To me it is clear that Gough Whitlam and his government were thrown out of office as a consequence of God’s precept of sowing and reaping. Attached is an extract of the appropriate portion of that email, which includes words about the “legalising of adultery” through that divorce law.
I have also attached the full Wikipedia record on Governor-General Sir John Kerr for those of you who want a better understanding of what took place before the removal of Gough Whitlam from the position of prime minister.
In late 2013, at age 97, during a conversation with Troy Bramston ( a columnist in The Australian, a former speech writer for Kevin Rudd, and author of the book Looking for The Light on The Hill ) Gough Whitlam said “I’m aiming at 100.” The word of God says “Man makes his plans, but God directs his steps.” God gave Gough Whitlam his last breath yesterday morning at 98 years of age.
As I have told you before I use the United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) daily devotion booklet The Word For Today, as do many other Christians throughout Australia. The Word for Today yesterday was Exodus 20: 14 – You shall not commit adultery. Barely a few minutes after I read that verse, I turned to my computer and on the ABC website there was the first notification of the death of Gough Whitlam. That daily devotion booklet was printed months ago, but God is the only One who knows the future. That was no coincidence.
On another issue Gough Whitlam is looked upon within ALP circles as the father of Australian Fabian Socialism. Please read the attachment titled The Fabian Socialist Window. Julia Gillard, who is also a Fabian Socialist, greatly admired Gough Whitlam’s fatherhood of that political cult. Bob Hawke and Paul Keating are also Fabian Socialists, as are Bill Shorten and some other members of the current Federal ALP Opposition. There is more information about Australian Fabian Socialism to be found on Google, should you so desire. I have included a link below:
Fabian Socialism Link
I was slightly bemused to read that during the period of making condolence statements re Gough Whitlam in the Federal House of Representatives yesterday, the Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten, said :
Fabian Socialism Link
I was slightly bemused to read that during the period of making condolence statements re Gough Whitlam in the Federal House of Representatives yesterday, the Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten, said :
“No one who lived through the Whitlam era will ever forget it – and perhaps nobody born after it can ever really imagine it.”
Bill Shorten was born on 12 May 1967, 3 months after Gough Whitlam became the leader of the federal ALP while in Opposition, and a week before I embarked on HMAS Sydney, bound for South Vietnam. Bill Shorten was 5 years old when Gough Whitlam became prime minister, and 8 years old when Gough was sacked. I wondered how much Bill Shorten knew as a primary school student about Gough Whitlam?
On a much more serious note I believe the Lord is calling us as a network to read what this email contains, spend time bringing it before the Lord to:
1. Stand in the gap for our nation and confess the sins of every member of the Federal Parliament involved in the approving of that no fault divorce law and all other unrighteous laws approved during the term of Gough Whitlam as prime minister 2 December 1972- 11 November 1975.
2. Repent of any known unconfessed personal sin in our own lives as a result of conforming with any of those unrighteous laws approved in the time Gough Whitlam was prime minister 1972-1975.
3. Having done 1. And 2. Above, we need to stand in the gap for our nation and renounce those unrighteous laws and the false foundations laid down in this nation through them. We need to call on the Lord to uproot and remove the false foundations, institute new righteous laws, and lay a new righteous foundation.
4. Call on the Lord to expose the full depth of the wickedness of Fabian Socialism in Australia, and uproot it from this nation.
With love in Christ Jesus,
Kris Schlyder
Australian Indigenous Prayer Network
~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly
Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:
or by emailing him at