October 8, 2014 Dear Friend of the Friday Fax,
C-Fam and the Friday Fax are under water right now.
We are facing a budgetary shortfall of $100,000 which threatens to grow larger through the rest go the year.
Your help is needed right now.
The Friday Fax is in danger as are other C-Fam programs.
This could not have come at a worse time. We are facing what is probably the most important and dire fight of our 18 years of pro-life work at the UN. The enemies of the unborn and the family are gathering like vultures to negotiate two life or death documents that will guide the whole world for the next twenty years. If we do not stop them now, it will cost us dearly, in lives and dollars, for decades to come.
The Sustainable Development Goals may include pro-abortion language and if it does, small governments, Christian countries, will be forced to accept abortion on demand in exchange for life or death medicines, foodstuffs, even clean water.
The abortion crowd at the UN are licking their chops at the prospect of at long last getting abortion language in this kind of document. Recall, we stopped them from getting this language in the Millennium Development Goals. We stopped them for 15 years! And now they are back at us.
In addition to the Sustainable Development Goals, they are also negotiating a document celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Cairo Program for Action, where we also stopped them from getting a right to abortion. But they are pulling out all the stops to fix what they lost in 1994.
So, C-Fam’s $100,000+ shortfall could not have come at a worse time.
Why are we having a shortfall?
- We have expanded to meet the challenges of this incredibly dangerous time at the UN. On a part-time basis we have brought on a former UN diplomat from the developing world who is helping us with the UN General Assembly.
- We have also brought on an African gentleman who is an expert on Depo Provera and other dangerous contraceptive and abortion drugs the UN radicals want to impose on the developing world.
- Both of these recent hires have made a huge impact in our work so far. We must keep them.
- We are also experiencing a downturn in direct mail fundraising. I am not sure why but these things happen. Direct mail fundraising is cyclical. I am sure it will pick up. But in the meantime, we have this shortfall that is threatening our very livelihood.
Let me close with a quick story. On Monday of this week, my family and I took a tour of Boy’s Town, that amazing place founded by Father Flanagan in Nebraska that takes in ragamuffin boys who desperately need help because they have been abandoned by their families and ignored by society. Some come to Boys Town directly from the streets! We had the pleasure of meeting with the longtime Executive Director of Boys Town, Father Valentine Peter. You know what he said to me? “I HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING AND SUPPORTING THE WORK OF C-FAM FOR YEARS. YOU ARE THE SAVIOR OF THE CHILDREN IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD. YOU ARE DOING THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK IN THE WORLD.”You could have knocked me over with a feather. I had no idea such a great man even knew our name let alone our work. I get this kind of response all the time, though. Whole convents of Nuns in Africa have written to me and said they are praying for us. We cannot let them down. We must not let this $100,000 shortfall harm our work in saving those kids! The vultures are circling. It is up to us to scare them away. Please go to http://c-fam.org/en/contribute and give as much as you can. Can you afford $50? $100? $500?Please pray right now that we make up this budget shortfall and that we stop the circling vultures. Yours sincerely, Austin Ruse President/C-Fam Publisher/Friday Fax PS If we do not make up this shortfall over the next 60 days, programs will have to end, personnel will have to be pared back. We have never had to do this before.
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