Wednesday, November 13, 2013

National Day of Purity & Humiliation (November 29th-30th)

National Day of Purity and Humiliation

Friday – Saturday, November 29-30th 2013 from sunset to sunset


We declare that it’s time to seek God’s Purity for our nation.  We as believers in Christ join together in homes, churches and places of prayer, to worship and focus on the Holiness of our God. We acknowledge our deep need for His help in order for us to follow His righteous ways.

We recognize that the worldly culture has infiltrated our hearts and thinking, our homes, the Body of Christ and our nation. As God’s people, we humble ourselves before the Lord and seek His face and repent of; breaking covenant with God, immorality, bloodshed, lust of the eyes, pride of life, and not resisting the temptations of the evil one through entertainment and advertising. We repent of not living by God’s standards in His Word, including His definition of marriage, and of not partaking of His Holiness. 

We choose this day to turn back into covenant relationship with God, and to leave our old sinful ways behind us.  We seek God’s forgiveness and pray that God will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land, giving us grace to submit to follow Christ’s ways of Purity for His name’s sake, making changes in our lifestyles, through the leading and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  We devote ourselves to sincerely follow His ways as Christ’s Bride, in preparation for His soon return.

Prayer asking for God’s Mercy, Redemption and Restoration

Heavenly Father, we recognise in your Word, your loving warnings to your people Israel, and also through Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, and the writings of the New Testament Apostles to the New Covenant believers, that there are serious consequences outlined in your Holy Scriptures for breaking covenant with you. We acknowledge our sin and pray this day, as we turn away from the world and repent of our fleshly ways, and we seek your forgiveness and desire for you Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, to purge and purify our hearts through the fire of your Holy Spirit, to bring us into a committed covenant relationship with you, to follow your ways of Purity, and to walk in the Holy Spirit as true sons and daughters of the Living God.

We pray this day that you will illuminate the darkened thinking of our minds, and open the eyes of our hearts and understanding by the light and revelation of your Holy Spirit through your Word, that we will heed the seriousness of this hour, in the Fear of the Lord and your wisdom.

Turn us back to be devoted to you, change our tastes, rewire our responses, and channel our passions into worshipping you alone we pray, so that we can desire to come to know you; our Holy and Pure God, and give us the grace to receive the love of your Truth that we might be saved. Open our spiritual ears that we might hear and obey your voice, before it is too late for you to turn back the flood of evil in this hour.

We pray for your divine intervention to heal and soften our hearts, that we might love you, confess how we have fallen short of your Word, and receive your forgiveness through the power of your sinless atoning blood that you shed at Calvary, Lord Jesus. Give us the grace to forgive ourselves for our foolish ways, and others who have defiled us, so that we might enter into the blessing of your joy and peace. Father, we plead your everlasting love for us and the precious blood of your Son Christ Jesus, and the blood of your covenant with us. May the blood of Jesus be precious in your sight on our behalf; please deliver us from the iniquities of our past generations, personally, of our cities and nation. Remember us for mercy. Reveal your might, your power and your goodness in our day, for the knowledge of the glory of God to cover our city, nation and the whole earth, as the waters cover the sea. We pray this in Jesus precious name, Amen.

Some Key Scriptures to help you discover God’s heart on the issue of Purity & His strategy for us to be restored- please explore as the Holy Spirit leads you during the day; we started at Isa 59:16-21-: 

Deut ch 28 & 29; 2 Chr 7:13-15; Neh 1: 2-7; Ps 23:3, 32, 45, 51, 66:16-20;  Isa ch 11:2-5, 9 & 29:11-13 & 53 & 57 & 58 & 59:12-21; Jer ch 6:16-19 & 10:1-11,14, 21-24 & 11:1-8, Dan ch 9; Hos ch 2 & 14; Matt 5:8, 27-32 & 19:7-12; Mark 10:2-12; Acts 3:19;Rom 12 & 13; 1 Cor 2; 5:1-6, 9-13 & 6:9-11; 2 Cor 6:1, 4-8, 14-18 & 7:1 & 11:1-3; Eph ch 5; Gal ch 5; 2 Thes 2:10, Heb ch 12;  Js ch 4; Rev 3:19-21

May you discover the goodness, mercy and blessing of our God on this day and see your prayers answered and Christ glorified,

In Christ’s Love,
Dr Hilary and Chaplain Paul Moroney
Canberra House of Prayer for All Nations


Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance