Friday, April 25, 2014

Victory Update with Shelly Huey

Victory Update

The path I hike on is really a horse trail.  Dirt and rocks are layered throughout its slippery and meandering surface.  Next to the trail are new colorful wildflowers sprinkled amongst the hearty abundance of tall green weeds.  Ever since I can remember, right in the middle of this trail stood a magnificent oak tree.  I always had to walk around and avoid it. because it was so dauntingly huge.  But, it created a much-needed spot to rest.  I would take in its shade while I leaned against it and stretched. 

Until today. 

It was completely gone.  All that was left was a stump.  Never to grow again. The city landscapers came and cut it down with a chainsaw.  It was diseased.  The tree certainly tricked me... it didn’t look diseased. 

Its absence left a gaping hole.  I noticed that this ENTIRE section of the trail was now WIDE OPEN, receiving the bright, revealing sunlight like never before. 

As I CONTINUED up the hill, I looked back to where the tree was. 

What was AMAZING is it looked like it was never even there. 

There was a brand new clear view. 

One that was never seen before.

Forgive us God that We the Church, allow our ways, our thoughts, our vision and our agenda grow magnificently in the middle of your narrow path of righteousness.  (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Forgive us God that We the Church, sometimes allow the dirt of sin and the rocks of despair to clog up our hearts and throw us on a meandering slippery path of destruction.

Forgive us God that We the Church can become blinded by a spirit of deception.  Thinking something or someone is good, when actually it is or they are diseased by idolatry or false teaching.
Maybe we forgot that You are Holy and You hate sin.  Even though we might look good, You are not tricked.  You see the disease.

Maybe we forgot that You are the Almighty creator. And You like to plant Your new, colorful, wildflower creations of Your love right next to the hearty, abundant, weed filled hearts of the lost.
Maybe we forgot that You are the Sovereign One.  Your perfect will is always done, even when we walk around and avoid the dauntingly huge obstacles in our ministry or life and refuse to confront it or them.

Let the Holy Spirits chainsaw of grace come in and quickly cut down your pride.  (Isaiah 6:13)
Let the blades of His mercy tear through the deception that covers your eyes.   (Isaiah 42:7)
Cut down.  Never to grow again.

Never to stand in the path of what God wants to do in HIS church. 
In HIS home. In HIS ministry.  In HIS marriage.  In HIS career. 
In HIS calling for your life.

And guess what?  Once pride and deception are gone,
It will leave a gaping hole. Waiting to be filled.
Ask Jesus to fill it with a fresh anointing of His power.
Receive His bright, revealing Holy Spirit.
Like never before.
And let Him…

Create an ENTIRE view of Your Church that You have never seen.
Create a WIDE OPEN vision of His ministry You have never dreamed.
Create a CONTINUED hope of Your marriage You have long lost.
Create an AMAZING purpose of Your career/calling You have yet to discover.
So You can walk on a brand new clear path for His glory.

PRAY FOR:  Craig and I are starting to present Election Forums ( throughout Southern California.  We teach what the Christian Worldview is and how to vote your values.  Craig also goes down the ballot describing everything from a non-partisan view.  It’s critical that Christians align themselves with Scripture to be the salt and light in a nation of compromise.  Pray God will open doors of churches that desperately need this education, empowerment and mobilization.

We need breakthroughs ASAP to see Christians UNIFY and take back
Our religious freedoms that are soon to be gone. 

PRAY FOR: Election Forums- That many will attend and hear
April 30…Riverside County (Inland)
May 2… LA County (Long Beach)
May 3… LA County (Hermosa Beach)
May 4…LA County (Redondo Beach)

PRAY FOR:  Boldness and Urgency for Pastors, teachers in presenting the whole gospel and giving the congregation the ability to step out of their comfort zone and go forward to an altar call.  Jesus made it pretty clear in  (Mark 8:38) that if we are ashamed of Him and His word, He will be ashamed of us.

PRAY FOR:  Opportunity for our business to have continued connections with the Bahamas, for specific favor with the Ministry of Tourism.
The concert/recording with Shaback (the national gospel choir from the Bahamas) in March was truly anointed.  Thousands of youth attended.  And they heard the good news of Jesus Christ.  Continue to pray for Pastor Clint Watson as he leads the Bahamas in transforming the youth there.  In July, Shaback will be singing at the Global United Fellowship conference ( in North Carolina.  Pray for their testimony to impact many.  Also, Bishop Neil Ellis, a powerhouse of a preacher from the Bahamas will be presiding over this conference. Please go to the conference website to hear his vision and passion. Pray for this anointed man as he travels the world to talk about Jesus.

PRAISE:  While we were in the Bahamas in March, Craig was honored to present a free interactive seminar on Direct Response Marketing to local business owners.  What a privilege to be with such talented people that represented local TV, radio stations and entrepreneurs.  We look forward to more opportunity for this in the future.  Pray for Gaydene McClain, a local business leader, as she is the one who put this event together.

PRAISE: For YOU!  You are a mighty force of prayer warriors!!! We KNOW when YOU intercede for this state, this nation and us.  It is felt.
WE are eternally grateful that our Almighty God has placed YOU in our midst. Together we are an unstoppable force of His love on a lost people.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for partnering with us!!

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS for Shelly Huey or Craig Huey?  Email me at


Shelly Huey
Victory Update
Twitter: @shellynotw