Friday, June 13, 2014

Pentecost Visions by Dr. Jeffry Camm

For many years the Holy Spirit has been waking me up in the middle of the night with songs, poems, or revelations about His word and His glory, but rarely do I get visions of so much intensity as now, as I am writing this book.

Early on 8th June 2014, (Pentecost Sunday), just one day after we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landing, I was woken up with two distinct visions. Now I am not a really good artist so I have drawn them as best I can, but I believe I can verbally explain them as we go.

I first saw a tree, but only half of the tree, because lightning had come down from heaven and demolished half of the tree. This caused me to look carefully at the tree and try to understand what I was seeing. Then I remembered that Jesus said He was the tree of life, He was also the vine and we were the branches. In John 15:16, it tells us that we did not find Jesus, He found us and called us by name, to bear fruit and that our fruit must remain.

This tree represented the Body of Christ in Australia.  As I looked I saw that there was some life still in the tree and that there were still some green leaves, as well as some flowers and a few fruit, but most of the fruit had fallen from the tree and was rotting on the ground. One even had a small grub coming out of it.

Was the Holy Spirit saying that the Christians were fruit, but that they were dying because of wrong doctrine, or allowing the influences of the world to pollute the fruit, until it allowed fruit fly to enter, and grubs to harm the fruit so it withered and died, falling to the ground, worthless?  Was the church really doing what God had told us to do, bear fruit that remained and go out with love and compassion and spread God’s true word to the unbelievers, so that the Holy Spirit could bring more people in God’s kingdom?

As I pondered this vision another vision came into my mind and this one really got my attention. So much so, that it woke me up, shaking.

I saw a warring angel coming out of heaven, with a sword in its mouth, stabbing at large black clouds in the heavens, over a map of Australia. Blood was dripping off the sword and it was clear that a mighty spiritual battle was being fought in the heavenly realm, for the souls and the spoils of this nation.

Over the nation was the symbol of the cross, with blood at the four points where the nails pierced Jesus and the one in His side. Also there were red and black droplets of blood all down the east coast of Australia and isolated pockets in other parts of the country. It was clear that major battles had also been fought on the ground and the blood of the martyrs and the blood of the evil ones were clearly visible.

But not all the evil clouds were defeated. One black cloud still hung over the west coast of Australia and there were a few blots of red blood around Perth and Darwin, but in the centre around Alice Springs it was clear that evil was in control, with only one drop of martyr’s blood shown.

It was clear from this vision that a spiritual war is about to break forth over this nation, both in the heavens and upon the earth. There is to be a sifting and a shaking within the Body of Christ, like never seen before. People will be challenged about their faith like never before, as interest groups try to persuade politicians to change laws, or to implement laws which will assist them to make lots of money, but at the expense of our nation’s integrity and our
Christian laws and values.

There will be a rise in the number of mosques allowed in each state as more and more Muslims arrive to take up residence in Australia, because of our twisted migration policy. This ultimately results in more Muslims elected to our parliaments, with increasing influences on our laws and our foreign policies, which results in Australia turning away from supporting Israel and starting to support the Palestinians.

This is not good, and I was reminded of the scripture which tells us that those who pray for Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel shall be cursed.

A civil war will break out as people are forced to take sides. Laws will be passed to close churches which refuse to marry gay couples, and there will be laws which instruct religious schools not to discriminate against teachers on the grounds of their sexual behaviour. The true word of God which formed Christianity does not support homosexual behaviour, but because the church leaders were weak and did not stand up for righteousness, as they are commanded to do, the nation could not be exalted. (Remember: righteousness exalts a nation).

However, because Islam clearly does not support homosexual behaviour, as part of their religion, and they stand up for what they believe in the mosques and in the streets, they will be excluded from having homosexuals employed in their religious schools.

This is the vision I saw and I did not like it one bit! I cried out to the Lord: “How can this be? You have proclaimed through your prophets that this is the great southland of the Holy Spirit. How could you allow this to happen? Other prophets have come to our shores and proclaimed that the last great revival shall emanate from our shores before you return for your bride. How could this happen?”

And the Lord replied: “I did not allow this to happen. The Christians in Australia allowed this to happen, because they failed to follow my word and my Holy Spirit, when prophets were sent to your nation to tell you to correct your ways and turn back to me. I am still holding the “Sword of Truth” and I am still showing the Southern Cross over your nation.

My promises for your nation have not changed. The time has come for your nation to repent and seek my face, or the calamities will come and many will perish, as I clean out my church of the evil which has been allowed to infiltrate into MY church.”

This disturbed me so much that I got up and immediately drew these pictures and wrote down these visions, while they were still clear in my mind.