Monday, September 29, 2014

Devotional Day 6: Friends in Low Places ~ Repenting of: Treachery, Traitor of Israel

Day 6: September 29, 2014
Repenting of: 
Treachery, Traitor of Israel
To specifically repent of the sin of Replacement Theology rampant amongst the Body of Christ.  To remind us that we, who are not Jewish, are a grafted in branch and we are humbly grateful to eat even crumbs at the Master's Table. 
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." 
~ Romans 1:16
A CRY is heard as the voice of our Redeemer, Yeshua HaMashiach [Jesus the Messiah] makes known to Abba Father God the power needed by sacrifice to meet the conditions of fallen man and of the sin and the sentence that sin demands by the laws of God  - that is; the "sentence of death."  Jesus paid this price by giving His own life as a sacrifice for sin in obedience to the Father's will because of the Father's love for Israel and all of His Creation. Father's forgiveness and mercy has been poured out also to you and me for our own personal sins and the sins of the world.  When the Lamb of Sacrifice, Jesus Christ, shed His own blood for the forgiveness of all our sins, He reconciled us back to the Father in a redeemed action of intercession on our behalf.  The CROSS prevailed; Jesus Christ the Son of God CRIED OUT "It is finished" a redemptive act for His chosen people Israel; the apple of God's eye. So great was this sacrifice; all Gentile nations were also called to receive their redemption and to be grafted into the true vine Israel; for it is written, all nations shall praise Him [Psalm 67]. 
We, as the redeemed of the LORD, align ourselves with His Word as Paul the Apostle proclaimed to the Corinthians: Jesus Christ and Him only crucified [1Corinthians Chapter:2] Our instruction given in scripture is to pray for the Jews first [Romans 1:16] so they too may realize God's Love through Yeshua HaMashiach [Jesus the Messiah]. 
Let us stand in the gap of intercession and prayer proclaiming to the Jew God's redemptive revelation.  To those that are blinded by sin and tradition we ask for the Mercy of God according to scripture for a repentance so they too may know liberty where Christ has set them free. Let us in the unity of God's Word and His Spirit humble our hearts unto obedience and pray with all prayer, supplication and petition with a heartfelt repentance for these ones loved by God.  We also pray for those that have an Anti-Semitic stance and attitude towards God's chosen people the Jews, thus being contrary to God's Word. His Word is given to us in scripture to bless His people, the Jews, while reconciling all nations, tribes and tongues to Himself in order that they too might be crafted into the true vine of Israel through Jesus Christ our Lord.  He is our Savior, not only as the King of the Jews, but also as the soon coming King of kings

Dear Father today we come to your Throne of all Grace as your sons and daughters redeemed by the blood of Jesus. We give you thanks and praise for your faithful and ongoing love for your people the Jews. We acknowledge to you on behalf of all the body of Christ and our Nation our lukewarmness in praying for Israel and the Jews; while knowing through the scriptures that Jesus died on the cross as King of the Jews and will be returning to the Mount of Olives in Israel.  Please cleanse us all from these our sins and the sins of our nation in false repentance theology, for many of us have denied the rights of the Jewish people those rights that have been given to them by You, "The Ancient of Days."  Have mercy on us dear Father and cleanse us from all of our sins and heal our land as we pray that in so doing we may "Praise the God of Israel", the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach [Jesus the Messiah]. ~Amen

Continue in prayer using the 6 prayer points as the Lord leads you.  
             Six Prayer points:

  1. Focus on the Cross of Christ and the victorious sacrifice of Jesus Christ [Yeshua HaMaschiach].
  2. Acknowledge our failure and our called duty to pray for the Jews Gods chosen people.
  3. Bind the spiritual strong man Anti-Christ and the Anti-Semitic spirit toward the Jews.
  4. Proclaim the finished work of the cross "It Is finished" Jesus Christ and Him only crucified.
  5. Confess, renounce and personally repent of any Anti-Semitic influences and any lukewarmness in praying for and loving the Jews.
  6. Give praise and thanksgiving to Abba Father God for the victory of the Cross and the power of Yeshua [Jesus] and His resurrection and redemption for the Jew first, and also to the Greek.   
Today's devotional courtesy of:
Pastor Warren Lyons
Call To Prayer Ministries International
Crossfires to the Nations, New Zealand
Lion of Judah Fellowships International 

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